"Thanks" you say blushing a bit, shortly after two men walk into the room they introduce themself as alby and Clint and alby says he'll be taking you round the glade to give to the tour after Clint has given you a check up.

After the tour alby introduces you to Thomas, Minho, Ben and the rest of the runners. He then leaves you with them while he goes to help the builders form the bonfire, "why is this whole bonfire thing happening" you ask. "It's to honour our new greenie" Minho says while putting his hand on your shoulder.

"All for me" you say dramatically while pretending to wipe tears from your eyes, people start to laugh. "You better watch out Minho someone is coming after your drama queen title" Ben says while patting Minho's back and walking off. Everyone is laughing you joining in after Minho turns round facing his back towards you he crosses his arms and try's to sound annoyed.

A few moments later alby gathers everyone round the bonfire to light it, you and alby are the ones holding the sticks of fire then alby chucks his stick so you chuck yours and everyone cheers and shouts.

Then everyone separates onto there groups, you didn't really know where to go so you just find a seat on the ground and lean against a log watching the bonfire.

Then newt came to sit beside you he had a drink in his hand, you realised how thirsty you were. He noticed you staring "want a drink" he said holding it out towards you.

You nodded and took the drink out of his hand, you took a sip. "What is this" you said, "no clue it's Gally's special recipe" he said as you took another sip but one sip lead to another then another and before you knew it you had finished the whole thing.

"Is there more" you asked looking at newt "yeah" he said "follow me I'll show you where it is and introduce you to the groups" he said while standing up, he held his hand out to help you up you took it but you didn't let go as you started to walk.

He lead you over to a table with loads of glasses on it filled with the drink you both took one each then he signalled for you to follow him.

You were walking around the bonfire following newt as he pointed out all the groups and put a few names to faces, then you stoped at a sand ring gally was standing in the middle asking for a challenge then he looked over at you and said "what about you greenie, you up for a fight" you handed your glass to newt and stepped into the circle.

"Don't worry greenie I'll go easy on you" he said with a smile "okay" you said with a smirk, he looked a bit confused then he started to walk round the circle you did the same making sure you stayed on opposite sides, like you had seen people do earlier.

Then gally started to explain "okay so we fight and you try stay in the circle for more than 5 seconds" this made a few people chuckle.

You walked closer to gally making the circle you walk in smaller, he done the same then he threw a punch in your direction, you dodged it. Then slid you leg under Gally's causing him to fall over, you heard a few oohs from the crowd but then Gally done the same to you. You fell to the ground with a thump knocking the wind out your lungs.

You stood up while catching your breath and threw a punch at gally hitting him right in the eye, he took a few steps back because of the force of the punch then you kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall out the circle you walked back to the middle of the circle and bowed, then you walked over to newt taking your drink back and chugging it everyone cheered for you.

The gladers 😘حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن