10- Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"You're totally brain dead, aren't you?" Alondra pretends to look hurt at his constant barrage of insults to her intelligence.

"Think what you like. Even if I change you, I will punish you for trying to harm my friends. Your first lesson begins tonight, so get some rest, okay?" Alondra waves at the man who glares at her hatefully. She begins to fade away, and he starts to curse at her to release him.

"You're up! What happened?!" Estella questions as she looks over Alondra. She sits up.

"I am going to make a piece of the Council's plan completely useless." Both parents are still confused by what she means. The others have some idea of what she's doing, but not how she will accomplish it.

"Alondra, what does that mean?" Maxwell questions.

"Sorry, I will handle this. No problem! Now, I need to bring together the current members of the coalition to see if we can put together an argument that will prevent Ichiru from being on the list of extermination." Both parents look sadly at their daughter as she turns away and goes to a window to send out two familiars. "Go inform Kira and Kaito that our first meeting is happening soon." The ravens fly off into the night sky.

"Alondra, I wish you would rely on us more. I know it's only been a few years since we met... and you've done so much on your own..." Alondra looks back at her parents. Both of them have sad expressions.

"Trust us as well, Alondra has always been this way. Going head first into everything all on her own. We have always had to rush after her to make sure she doesn't get herself killed. We also want her to rely on us more." Zero adds in. Alondra looks to the side, feeling awkward.

"I know... I'm sorry, everyone. It's not that I don't believe in your strength, but I don't want to lose anyone... not again. Mama, you are pregnant with my younger sibling, so I can't involve you. Papa has to protect you and be there for you two if anything happens to me. Zero and Ichiru, we are facing purebloods and high-level vampires, I won't be separated from you two ever again." Alondra bows her head as she apologizes to them.

Zero and Ichiru push her back upright, each keeping a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, we don't want to lose you either. You're stuck with us until we turn to dust." Both of them tell her.

"I won't let a pureblood take control of me again. I've resisted before. I can do it again." Zero promises her.

"You made me, Alondra. The only pureblood voice that I know will sway me is yours." Ichiru assures her. Alondra tilts her head and looks to her parents.

"Is he just being overconfident, or is that a thing?"

"Well, he's the first ever vampire that has been turned by a Kasumioji. So, we don't really know how he would be different from any other former human." Maxwell thinks hard about the history of their family. With their power, the Kasumioji had no need to make human slaves for themselves. They could take them from their own masters or turn the masters into their own slaves with a command.

"Ichiru?" Alondra looks back to him. "Are you sure?"

"I am. I haven't tested it out, but I don't feel any type of obedience towards another pureblood. Vampires have innate fears towards purebloods, but I've never felt it when I faced Kira and Kaname after being turned. Maybe it could be from disliking them." Ichiru assures Alondra.

"Speaking so coldly about me, are you?" The group all look to the window Alondra left open as Kira steps in. Alondra's familiar returns to her. Ichiru looks back at Kira.

"I'm only speaking the truth." Kira looks at Ichiru, disinterested, and then looks to the Kasumioji family. He bows respectfully towards them.

"Pardon the intrusion, your highnesses. The familiar of Alondra-san made it sound urgent." He stands up and starts to walk up to Alondra. He clicks his tongue as the twins put an arm around her. She blushes at the rivalry. Kira looks at them, annoyed.

Vampire Knight: The Kiryu's Pureblood QueenWhere stories live. Discover now