The Cure! (Plot A)

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Teardrop's P.O.V:

I run down and through the vents as my very life depended on it, in which it did! Eraser got infect by Pen who somehow was in these vents before us, right when I though I lost them Eraser now a zombie blocks my path. Pen also comes up from the same direction I run from I was cornered or so I thought. Below me I found a grate, if I could just use my malleability and squeeze through it... As I try to squeeze through the grate I could hear two familiar voices, Golf Ball and Tennis Ball!

Golf Ball: GAH! None of the gadgets in this STUPID science lab work!

Tennis Ball: I can't believe there's something the two of us can't figure out!

Golf Ball: I know... GAH!

Just then I heard a door slam open with a zombie groan and screams, I had to get in there and help them! Just... a little... bit more....

Golf Ball: This is all YOUR FAULT Barf Bag!


Just in the nick of time I made through the vent grate but fall directly into Barf Bag's body, I quickly hop out and shake off the terrible vomit from my body (it's pretty bad to my health).

Barf Bag: *sharp inhale* Uh... hey guys... where am I?


Golf Ball: OH MY GOSH... TD! IT'S YOU! Your effects on Barf Bag's lava barf somehow made it less degenerative. 

Tennis Ball: But unlike Barf bag most of the undead victims don't have external innards. We need to find a way to cure everyone else!

Golf Ball: They're going to have to ingest the barf somehow... Barf Bag, you are the only way we can save everyone. We're gonna have to take your innards out once again.

Barf Bag: Uh, I still don't know what's happening. But if it helps everyone else, let's do it lol.

Golf Ball proceeds to extract the vomit from Barf Bag.

Golf Ball: There's not.. there's not enough in here, we need more liquid! Teardrop, can you hop back in?

Tennis Ball: But... if she gets absorbed... she'll die!

Golf Ball: That's a sacrifice that has to be made I'm afraid. But... TD I will not force you to kill yourself if you feel it, if you want we can try to find another way.

I stand there and think for a moment, I think about my friends and everything that has happened in this one night, it honestly feels like this zombie virus has gone around for at least half of a month. Who knows how many alive people remain in this school and who, I have made up my mind and with a proud smile on my face I run up and jump right back into Barf Bag's body, in my last seconds alive I could hear Golf Ball's voice.

Golf Ball: Thank you TD! You're sacrifice won't be in vain!

Golf Ball's P.O.V:

I use the jar to scoop up all the mixed combination of vomit and Teardrop from Barf Bag's body, now fully empty again she passes out.

Golf Ball: Barf Bag and Teardrop, you are HEROES! Hurry TB, let's feed this to-



Zombified Two pops in out of nowhere and attacks us!

Golf Ball: TWO, NOO!!!

Pie: Hi. I'm not Two though.

In an instant me and Tennis Ball were now in some sort of room with most of the furniture hanging upside down, very confusing especially finding other people are in here too.

Golf Ball: W-Gaty, Saw you're here too?

Blocky: And us. 

Woody: H-Haii...

Blocky: Where are we anyways?

Golf Ball: That's what I want to know!

Tennis Ball: We must be inside Two's liminal space. 

Saw: Liminal space..?

Tennis Ball: It's like a personal pocket dimension only accessed by an algebrailian, every algebrailian has one. I've heard of these in books and It appears that Two has sent us to their pocket dimension instead of killing us like all of those other undead guys. 

Gaty: *sigh* Even in zombie form, Two's pretty cool.

Meanwhile normal P.O.V:

Pin continues to run from the giant infected Puffball until she sees an entrance of the main school building, with Puffball getting closer Pin sprints to the door and in the nick of time slides in and swiftly seals up the door behind her as Puffball rams into the wall. 


Zombie Puffball: Gaagh-!~

Pin: That should them for now. 

Needle: ugh.... My head..

Pin: *gasp* Needle! You're okay!

Needle: Y-yeah.. what happened? 

Pin: Probably too much to explain right now. C'mon, we need to find a place to hide out. 

~To be Continued~

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