Chapter 5: An Almost Loss

Start from the beginning

After they had eaten for a few minutes, Mado spoke.

"Tomorrow, we are going back to Bamenda," she said without looking up.

"What do you mean?" Marlise said.

"You have to stay away from Levi," She said.

"No, I'm not going with you!" Marlise shouted suddenly, a sharp pain cut across her lower abdomen. She stood up from the dining table and gripped her stomach.

"I didn't come here to ask you. I'm telling you." Mado said.

"I'm not a child," Marlise groaned as the pain increased. Mado looked up in surprise at her daughter who was now bent over on the coach.

"You are 29 years old yet you decided to act like a teenager and to make it worse, you still cry when you're angry?" Mado scolded.

"My stomach!" she cried gripping her belly tighter and curling into a fetal position. Mado stood over her as if checking if she was faking.

"Something is happening to me, ma, help," She cried.

Mado brought a glass of water and tried to put it in her mouth but she pushed it away. The glass fell to the ground and broke.

Marlise grabbed her phone and dialed Levi's number. When he picked up, all she could do was cry.

Levi burst through the  door, 45 minutes later, panting and frightened especially when he saw the death stare in Mado's eyes. He focused his attention on Marlise who had curled herself into a ball.

"Levi, blood!" Marlise shouted, pointing to a trickle of red running down her legs. Levi did not wait to ask any further questions. Alarm bells rang in his head. He lifted her into his arms and rushed out of the house, not caring if her mother followed.


At the hospital, he paced like a madman after she was taken inside the emergency unit on a stretcher. Mami Mado, stood calm with her arms folded.

About 30 minutes later, a man in white robe walked out of the emergency room. Levi ran to him,

"Are you her relative?" he asked

"She's...she's my wife." He stuttered.

The man looked at him with a frown.

"So why did she try to commit an abortion?" he asked in a low tone.

"Abortion? I don't understand." He turned to Mami Mado and then back to the doctor.

"Abortion? She would never do that. Does that mean she has lost the baby?" he asked frightened.

"She is undergoing an ultrasound because it seems there were two babies. One was flushed out, so the scan is to see if the other survived," The doctor said.

"Two?" Levi asked confused.

"You didn't know she was having twins? Has she begun antenatal?" the doctor's voice was rising.

"I...I don't know. Can I see her?"

"You will be notified after the ultrasound," the doctor responded and walked away.

Levi was overwhelmed so he sat down. His head spun as he tried to figure out why Marlise would try to kill her baby. It was not possible. There was just one explanation. As he drew his conclusion, he felt anger building up within him.

"Auntie, I know what you did and as soon as Marlise wakes up, I'm telling her the truth," he said to Mami Mado. The woman's eyes widened in understanding then her countenance darkened.

"I don't know what you think you know but, whatever you tell Marlise, who do you think she will believe, her mother or the man who impregnated her and abandoned her?" she responded.


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