Alex Walter | MLWTWB

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I'm one of the few Alex fans. Idgaf, I love him and I think he deserves better. If Jackie won't love and cherish him, I will.

In this imagine, Jackie and Alex have already broken up, so Jackie and Cole are together and are together at the wedding.


Alex Walter. My favourite of the many, many Walter boys. I never understood how anyone could have the heart to hurt him. Alex is the sweetest guy I've ever known. All I want to do is protect him, show him he's worth loving.

That not everyone falls to the 'Cole Effect.'

I've known the Walter kids since we were in diapers. I've seen their every achievement, as they've seen mine. Every let down and heartbreak, again, as they've seen mine. I've seen and experienced everything with them, I basically live with them. So, naturally, I've also witnessed almost every girl in town fall into the 'Cole Effect.' I have the absolute pleasure of saying that I have not fallen for it, more so the Alex Effect, if you will.

I really don't understand, he's so perfect in every way. He's an absolute sweetheart, he's so incredibly smart and geeky. I love him for it. He's so beautiful. His dark brown eyes, and cute scruffy hair. Every single freckle on his body, his body itself holds so many constellations, it's insane. I want to kiss every spot. He's so warm all the time and he smells of cologne and rain. I love it. I cant get enough of his scent. Anytime he's around it's like I can breathe again, as if the air is tainted when he's not around.

I just wish he could take a fucking hint.
*Alex's POV*

"You know Alex, you are so smart, but you can be really damn stupid." Isaac stands in front of me, voice stern. Next to him stands Lee, Danny on the other side of him with his arms crossed.

"What?" I say, my eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.

"I don't understand how you don't see it Alex." Lee chips in. Sounding just as serious.

"Okay, I really don't understand what the hell is going on." Isaac groans, rolling his eyes. "Of course you don't, you never seem to. Okay, you can sit around moaning about Jackie all you want, or, you could open your damn eyes and look at what's right in front of you. Y/n has been in love with you for years. She has never not been there for you, been by your side even when you didn't deserve it. She genuinely thinks you could do no goddamn wrong. She's absolutely whipped for you, ignored every person that has ever shown interest in her because of you, yet all you seem to worry about is Jackie, and what Jackie might think. Well get over it, she's with Cole now. The poor girl is standing there, looking absolutely beautiful in that blue dress (reference at the bottom), without a dancing partner. Get your ass up, ask her to dance, before I fucking do."

And he was right. I looked between the small crack between him and Lee, and there she was. Alone, swirling the liquid in her glass around. Her body clad in a long, tight, baby blue dress, matching with the rest of us. Crystal pendant earrings and necklace to match. The Swarovski Crystal bracelet that I had managed to get her for her birthday, loose on her wrist. She looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful.

By this point, Issac, Danny and Lee had already walked off. Towards Y/n, part of me felt jealous that they may be asking her to dance with them, and that's when a familiar voice snaps me out of my voice.

"I wish you could see the way she looks at you when you're not looking."


With Jackie on his arm.

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