Chapter 4 - Haunted by the past and present

Start from the beginning

Me: "I did, Most of the equipment you see here were made by me, except this bracer here." I swiped my hand on it and activates displaying a wheel with all my weapons on it, Viper recognizes that style. down to the purple and blue holo display. "It was made by my fiance." I said my tone shifting from pride to sorrow. I activated my operator and swiping my hands together it generated my personal sniper rifle.

(Here's the reveal, yes the gold variant of the glitch pop weapons are Y/N's personal weapons)

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(Here's the reveal, yes the gold variant of the glitch pop weapons are Y/N's personal weapons)

Viper: "These are very impressive tech" she commented, examining the operator on my hands. "and The cybernetics?"

Me: "The cybernetics on my body were also made by me, KAY/O's weapon systems were developed by me as well"

Viper seemed to be fascinated by my creations, she had the same reaction as my viper when i first made polarized radianite.

Viper: "That's good to hear as KAY/O's weapon systems require repair and none of us know how to work with the material used." ; "You may take all of these back with you, when you settle down."

Me: "Is it okay if i keep the bracer?" I asked her, and she nods in approval. "Thank you" I leave Viper's lab and continued on to the hallway, where Neon was waiting for me.

Neon: "Hey! Everyone else went to the Cafeteria since it's lunchtime, but i decided to wait for you" she laughed wryly.

Me: "Thanks kid" I gave her another head pat. which she seems to like. the two of us walked down the hall to the cafeteria to find KAY/O and Phoenix already sitting on the tables. "We stood in line for the mess hall."

Phoenix: "warning for you fam, Don't touch he meatloaf aight." Phoenix shouted from the table before going back to his meal. "oh and once you're done there sit with us, the squads gotta stick together yeah"

I asked if they have Creamed Chipped Beef a staple when back in the fields, are as we like to call it shit on a shingle, when added on to toast. and they did, so i decided to get that instead. I sat down with phoenix and the others.

Phoenix: "What the heck is that?" He pointed at my meal.

Me: "S.O.S" I answered "Out of all the things in the meal tent back in my world, This is probably the most palatable one"

KAY/O: "Shit on a shingle" the robot added.

Phoenix waved his hand at someone behind me and I felt someone sit next to me he had blue highlighted black hair swept back and a blue jacket, he sets down his food on the table.

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