Chapter Ten

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The sun rises over the quiet and small town of Treadshire, casting a warm glow on its peaceful streets. Lightning, Mater, and Sally, having bid their friendly fan Larry goodbye, continue their journey to the next town that played a significant role in Lightning's racing journey.

As they approach Treadshire, Lightning can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. This quaint town, much like Radiator Springs, holds a special place in his heart—it's where he got his racing number. Steve, his trusted truck, was the one who took him there for that momentous occasion.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (smiling) Treadshire. Feels like ages since I was last here.

MATER (grinning) Ah, the place where you got your number. Good times, good times.

SALLY (appreciating) It's charming, just like Radiator Springs.

They drive through the quiet streets of Treadshire, taking in the familiar sights. The townspeople, though few, give friendly waves as Lightning passes by.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (looking around) Steve sure knew how to pick 'em. This town holds a lot of memories.

As they explore Treadshire, Lightning reminisces about the day he received his racing number, a symbol of his journey in the world of racing.


Lightning McQueen narrates as the scene transitions into a nostalgic flashback:

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) It was a sunny afternoon, and Steve and I rolled into Treadshire. The town was buzzing with excitement, and I could feel the anticipation in the air.

The flashback reveals a lively Treadshire, adorned with racing decorations and a festive atmosphere. The townspeople gather for the annual Treadshire Race for Numbers, an event where the winners would earn their racing numbers. Lightning and Steve join the crowd, eager to be part of the tradition.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) (CONT'D) Treadshire had its own unique way of handing out racing numbers, and it was unlike anything I'd experienced before. The town believed in a good challenge and a lot of fun.

The scene unfolds with the announcement of the race, and five contestants rev their engines in preparation. The challenge appears more challenging and entertaining than the traditional methods seen during the time of Doc Hudson, the legendary Hudson Hornet.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) (CONT'D) Instead of the traditional way around the time of Doc Hudson, they had the Treadshire Race for Numbers. Five winners would earn their numbers, and the competition was fierce.

The Treadshire Race for Numbers kicks off, cars weaving through the town's streets, navigating challenging turns and thrilling jumps. The townspeople cheer on the racers, creating an electrifying atmosphere.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) (CONT'D) The course was full of surprises, challenging and fun at every turn. It was a true test of skill and determination.

In the flashback, Lightning and Steve enthusiastically join the race, embracing the unique challenge that Treadshire presented to its racers.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) (CONT'D) As the race kicked into high gear, Steve parked himself on the pit crew side, cheering me on. The support from my trusted truck meant the world.

In the flashback, Steve is shown on the pit crew side, his engine revving with excitement as he watches Lightning maneuver through the challenging Treadshire Race for Numbers.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) (CONT'D) Now, here's the thing about the Treadshire Race for Numbers. Winning and losing didn't matter. It was all about making it to the top five. Everyone who did got themselves a number.

The flashback showcases a fierce competition. Racers from all over, determined to secure their racing numbers, engage in daring moves, causing crashes and chaos. However, Lightning, showcasing his skill and determination, skillfully dodges every confrontation, earning admiration from the crowd.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) (CONT'D) The race was intense, with cars making drastic choices to secure their spot. But I had a different approach. I wanted to win, not just for the sake of winning, but to make it to the big leagues, like the Piston Cup.

As the flashback progresses, Lightning maneuvers through the course with precision, avoiding crashes and making strategic moves to reach the front.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) (CONT'D) I navigated the course, dodging every crash and confrontation. In the end, when I crossed the finish line first, the town saw me as their hero.

In the flashback, Lightning crosses the finish line, the cheers of the townspeople echoing around him. He stands tall, earning the highest racing number in Treadshire at that time – the number 95.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (V.O.) (CONT'D) I had earned the number 95, and it was more than just a number. It was a symbol of my determination to make it in the racing world.

The flashback concludes with Lightning, now holding the iconic number 95, looking towards the future with dreams of reaching the prestigious Piston Cup.


As Lightning concludes the recount of his journey to the big leagues, Sally and Mater look at him with renewed admiration. The trio stands on the streets of Treadshire, where citizens start to notice Lightning's presence.

SALLY (smiling) It's incredible, Lightning. You've come so far from those early days.

MATER (nodding) Yep, you've come a long way from that Treadshire Race for Numbers.

As the citizens of Treadshire recognize Lightning, cars start driving towards him. They cheer, honk their horns, and express their excitement.

TREADSHIRE CITIZEN #1 (cheering) Hey, it's Lightning McQueen! Our town's hero!

TREADSHIRE CITIZEN #2 (waving) We remember the day you got that number 95! You made us all proud!

The townspeople of Treadshire, filled with nostalgia and pride, surround Lightning, expressing their fond memories of the day he became their hero.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (grateful) Thanks, everyone. It's an honor to be back in Treadshire.

As the cheers continue, Lightning, Sally, and Mater bask in the warmth of the town's appreciation, connecting once again with the place where Lightning's journey to the big leagues began.

Outstanding! This story, even though I'm the writer, gets better by the minute! Please put in the comments below what you think of my original idea for how Lightning got the iconic number 95 and the unique way to get that number. Don't forget to leave a vote! Peace out, ya'll!

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