Chapter Seven

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DEAN HARGRAVES (sadly) Farewell, Lightning McQueen. It's been a pleasure having you back.

As Sally and Mater start to leave, Dean Hargraves notices a thoughtful expression on Lightning's face. Sensing there's something more on his mind, she addresses him.

DEAN HARGRAVES (observant) Is there something else on your mind, McQueen?

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (looking thoughtful) Dean Hargraves, I've been reflecting on my journey and the impact this academy had on me. I can't help but wonder how I can give back.

DEAN HARGRAVES (smiling) Giving back is a noble pursuit, McQueen. What do you have in mind?

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (looking at the academy) I want to establish a scholarship fund for aspiring racers who may not have the means to attend the academy. I want to give them the same opportunity that I had.

Dean Hargraves is visibly moved by Lightning's proposal.

DEAN HARGRAVES (gratefully) That's a wonderful idea, McQueen. It would mean a lot to the academy and future generations of racers.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (resolute) I want to make sure that every car with a dream has a chance to chase it.

Dean Hargraves nods, appreciating Lightning's commitment to paying it forward.

DEAN HARGRAVES I'll support you in making this happen, McQueen. It's a legacy that will endure beyond the track.

But before Lightning could leave, Dean Hargreaves honked a horn that got his attention. He turns around.

DEAN HARGRAVES (smiling) Your dedication to giving back is commendable, McQueen, but it doesn't quite answer the questions I had in mind.

Lightning looks at the dean, realizing there's more to the conversation.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (curious) What do you mean, Dean Hargraves?

DEAN HARGRAVES (observant) There's something personal on your mind, McQueen. Something beyond scholarships and legacies. What is it?

Lightning takes a deep breath, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (softly) I... I'm planning to propose to Sally.

DEAN HARGRAVES (surprised) Ah, love! Now that's a journey of its own. Tell me more.

Lightning opens up about his relationship with Sally, recounting how they met, the adventures they've shared, and the length of time they've known each other. It's a story that echoes the depth of their connection and the milestones they've overcome together.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (smiling) She's been there for me through thick and thin, and I can't imagine my life without her.

DEAN HARGRAVES (nodding) Love is a journey, McQueen, much like racing. It has its twists and turns, but it's the destination that matters the most. I wish you the very best.

Lightning, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders, thanks his old teacher with gratitude.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (appreciative) Thank you, Dean Hargraves. Your guidance has meant a lot to me, both on and off the track.

With a newfound sense of purpose and support, Lightning prepares to embark on the next chapter of his journey—proposing to the love of his life.


Lightning McQueen races back to his friends, Sally and Mater, who are waiting for him outside of town. Once reunited, they hit the road again, continuing their journey.

MATER (excitedly) Well, that was somethin' else! Never thought I'd see the day you'd be walkin' down memory lane at your ol' academy.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (smiling) Yeah, it was quite an experience.

SALLY (curious) What was the talk with the dean about, Lightning?

Lightning hesitates for a moment, then decides to share a version of the truth.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (hiding his secret) Uhhh . .  I -  - I talked to her about establishing a scholarship fund for aspiring racers who may not have the means to attend the academy. It's something I've been thinking about.

MATER (nodding) That's a mighty fine idea, buddy!

SALLY (impressed) That's wonderful, Lightning. Giving back to the next generation.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (chuckling) Yeah, well, you know me. Always thinking about the future.

As they continue down the road, Sally and Mater can't resist calling Lightning by his real name, Monty.

SALLY (teasingly) So, Monty, tell us more about this scholarship fund.

MATER (grinning) Monty, you're turning into quite the philanthropist.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (laughing) Okay, okay. Let's drop the Monty, guys.

SALLY (teasing) Sure thing, Monty.

MATER (laughing) Got it, Monty.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (rolling his eyes) Real mature, guys.

They share a laugh, and Lightning, grateful for the support of his friends, continues down the road, the memories of the academy and the prospect of proposing to Sally on his mind.

So what do you think of McQueen's generous idea? I'd say it's great. And the part where Mayer and Sally tease him is something I think is a teasingly fun moment. Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment on the chapter below. Peace out!

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