Chapter Four

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As the sun rises, casting a warm glow over the gas station, Steve the transport truck prepares to leave. Lightning McQueen, standing by Steve's side, is almost in tears at the thought of saying goodbye to his old academy friend.

STEVE (sincerely) Monty, it's been great catching up with you. Thanks for sharing your adventures.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (choked up) No, thank you, Steve. It means a lot.

STEVE (teasingly) You better ask Sally that question soon, or you might have to permanently change your name back to Monty McQueen.

Lightning chuckles through his emotions.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (smiling) I'll keep that in mind.

Steve turns to Mater, giving him a nod.

STEVE And say hi to the spy gal for me, Mater!

MATER (chuckling) You got it, Steve!

As Steve turns at the intersection, he revs his engine one last time.

STEVE (yelling) Take care, Monty!

The three friends wave goodbye as Steve heads down the road, leaving behind memories of laughter and camaraderie.



The trio of cars, Lightning, Sally, and Mater, continues their journey to the next town. As they drive, Sally realizes she never got the chance to ask Lightning about his life in Pistonville.

SALLY (curious) What was life like for you in Pistonville, Monty?

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (looking thoughtful) It wasn't easy. We were poor, and I was homeschooled. My father doubted my dream of racing, but I tried to convince him it could help with our financial problems. The racing academy even had lessons in non-racing subjects.

SALLY (sympathetic) It sounds like you had a lot on your plate.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (nodding) Yeah. It wasn't until the day of my father's untimely crash and passing that he told me to pursue my dreams, no matter what he had said before.

Sally and Mater place a comforting tire on Lightning's side as they continue down the open road, sharing the weight of the past and the hope for the future. 


As the trio of cars, Lightning, Sally, and Mater, approaches Emeryville, the town where Lightning learned to race, excitement fills the air. Mater points out a sign on his side of the road proudly proclaiming, "Emeryville — Home of the Piston Cup Racing Academy."

MATER (excitedly) We're here, folks! Emeryville, where Lightning learned to race!

The next sign they pass shows the graduates of the academy from the year Lightning graduated. A prominently displayed picture catches everyone's attention.

SALLY (smiling) Look at that! Graduates of the year Lightning graduated.

On the sign, among a group of seasoned racers, Lightning's red race car picture stands out. His current name, not Monty, is boldly displayed, making Sally and Mater stop calling him by his old nickname.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (smiling) Guess you'll have to stop calling me Monty now.

SALLY (laughing) Fair enough.

MATER (teasingly) Well, look at you, Mr. Big Shot!

The next revelation on the sign surprises them even more. Lightning's picture is not only among the graduates, but he holds a special distinction.

SALLY (amazed) You're the youngest graduate in racing history, Lightning?

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (nodding) Yeah, I graduated earlier than most. I was high-school age when I started here.

MATER (grinning) And he's still holding that record!

The friends share a moment of pride and surprise, realizing the impact Lightning had on the racing world from a young age. As Lightning, Sally, and Mater enter Emeryville, the nostalgic atmosphere fills the air. Lightning can't help but share the memories of his years in the Piston Cup Racing Academy.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN (smiling) This place brings back so many memories. Let me tell you about my years in the academy.

As they drive through the town, Lightning begins recounting his experiences.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN I arrived here as a young car with a dream. The academy was where I learned everything about racing, from the basics to the advanced techniques. I had some tough times, facing challenges on and off the track, but I also made lifelong friends.

He points out various landmarks, reminiscing about each one.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN That garage over there? That's where I spent countless hours fine-tuning my skills. And that stretch of road? It's where I had my first big race.

SALLY (smiling) It must have been quite a journey.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN It was. I had to prove myself every day, and I made mistakes, but those mistakes taught me valuable lessons. The academy wasn't just about racing; it was about becoming a better car overall.

MATER (nodding) Ain't that the truth.

They pass by the academy, and Lightning gazes at it with a mix of pride and nostalgia.

LIGHTNING MCQUEEN And that, my friends, is where it all began. The Piston Cup Racing Academy. It feels like a lifetime ago, but it shaped me into the racer I am today.

As they continue through Emeryville, Lightning shares more stories about his formative years in the academy, painting a vivid picture of the journey that led him to become a racing legend.

BTW, Emeryville, California is the location of P.I.X.A.R.

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