Suckers Punched

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Chris: Last week on Total Drama All-Stars... the campers were treated to a day in the fun zone, where anything can happen, except fun. Heather found the invincibility statue. Too bad someone else found it after her. And Sierra adopted a new, uh... "pet". In the end, the heroes got the victory. And Alejandro was headed for the Flush of Shame until he pulled off the biggest surprise of the night. Way to play possum, Captain Secret Legs. Will the heroes hold their lead? Can the villains live up to their name? Will my breakfast get here before lunch?! Find out right now on Total. Drama. All-Stars!

[theme song  ]


[piano playing]


Sierra: [gasps] Cody Jrs.! Who let you out of your crib?! Oh, ow, ah! Codys! [confessional] Now that I'm responsible for these little guys, or girl, or one guy, one girl, I don't have time to be in a relationship. I just hope Camdy doesn't take it too hard. What's that, Cody Jr.?

[rat vomits]

Sierra: [confessional] Ew.


Cody: Is toast supposed to be green?

Bentley: You tell me.

Scott: Mawaw calls this Penicillin Puree! Never had a cold in my life!

Gwen: [retches]

Scott: Well, well, wakey wakey, legs a-fakey.

Alejandro: It truly is a miracle my legs woke up. Now they can be put to good use for our team.

Courtney: After today, there won't be any teams.

Alejandro: What are you talking about?

Courtney: There are only ten players left. We have to merge soon. And after what you did to Heather, good luck finding an ally, Al.

Alejandro: I would prefer it if you did not call me that name. [confessional] Last night, I dreamt about my older, smarter, better-looking brother Jose. Ugh. He always calls me Al, and I hate it! More than mutant fire beetles and conditioners that don't detangle!

Scott: What's wrong with the name Al? My sister's named Al. Short for Albertha. She's the county hog-caller. Soo-wee! Soo-wee!

[hog squeals]

Scott: Ow!

Chris: [over loudspeaker] Good soon-to-be-painful morning, everyone! Head to the Chrisoseum pronto! Today's challenge isn't gonna hurt itself!


Sierra: Eh... ow! That's enough, you two! Ah, ah!

Duncan: Hey, we need to talk. It's about Mike.

Zoey: What about him? Wait, are you trying to form an alliance with me while he's in exile?

Duncan: What? No! Look, I knew I knew the guy from somewhere, but couldn't place it until I heard him whistle!

Zoey: I am so not following you.

Duncan: When I was in juvy, so was Mike!

Zoey: [laughs] Oh. You're serious? Mike was in juvy?

Total Drama All Stars: My dumb self made ANOTHER self-insertΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα