Elegy of the Fallen

Start from the beginning

"T-thanks," David muttered, somewhat ashamed. Looking around, he blanched. "Oh, we've travelled quite a distance."

Guang was not exactly familiar with Varya Town yet, the places he had been to were limited, and this was one of the many places. It was somewhere residential, both sides of the street were lined with houses big and small.

The people here seemed rather relaxed, basking in their own world. A person was seen walking their dog while jogging, while some were idly chit-chatting with each other about the weather. It was your typical peaceful neighbourhood; a completely different environment from Verdant Street.

"Did you have something you wanted to do here?"

David shook his head. "No, not exactly. I actually just wanted to get away from Jamie and Wendy for a while. I know you want to know what happened, and since you treated Sister Rachel well, I'll tell you. Just that...I don't think the others are able to relive what happened yet. So I wanted to find someplace away."

This kid was so caring of the other kids! Guang teared up at David's thoughtfulness. He patted the boy's shoulder while wiping a tear with his other hand. "Kid, you're a good chump."

David sighed, shoulders slumping. He couldn't even garner the energy to thank Guang for the compliment, the poor kid. He looked around, searching for something, and trotted behind the houses on the left.

Guang followed as well. What he found was a stream behind the houses. As it was shaded by the houses, it was nice and cool. The boy took a seat on the grass alongside the stream, and so did Guang.

The both of them watched the water flow mindlessly, letting the sound of the water's journey fill their senses. They sat in silence, waiting until David was ready to speak. A few minutes passed before David uttered quietly, "Sister Rachel died."


Guang raised his head to the sky above. He had expected that, considering the grief-stricken appearance of the church children. But still, to actually hear confirmation of it. He didn't voice it out loud, but some part of him had prayed for a miracle; that Rachel was alright, that Rachel was fine, but he supposed that it had been wishing for too much.

Tired eyes not leaving the stream, David hugged his knees into his chest. Guang's heart ached, wanting to hug the little kid.

Softly, David recounted the events from last night.

"After you and your brother left, Sister Rachel sent us to sleep in our own rooms. But last night, I heard someone talking in the main hall. I was a light sleeper, so I immediately woke up. It was unusual for someone to be about at this hour, so I went to check it out. I thought it might be one of the other children, but when I opened the doors to the main hall..."

David paused, and for a moment, Guang could see the haunting echo of ravenous flames reflected in his eyes.

In a horrified whisper, he continued, "It was hot. So hot. I choked on the air. The entire main hall was up in flames and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. There was the smell of burnt meat. I saw two bodies on fire, but I couldn't tell who it was. They...weren't moving."

Guang clenched his fists. He can feel the sheer terror David must have felt. Guang knew the feeling all too well; when he saw the bodies of his parents, charred beyond recognition.

"I did the only thing I could. I called everyone else up before the flames spread to the dormitories. It was then that we realised we were missing Sister Rachel and Jason. The two bodies at the main hall...must have been them. Wendy couldn't stop crying. Jamie, he tried to get their bodies but...I stopped him. I stopped him from saving them. They could have been saved but I-"

David inhaled sharply. Guang had embraced him, patting his head and rubbing his back with solace. Without his own realising, David was crying.

It reminded Guang of the time when he had to comfort Jin when he was about to leave for the academy, and he couldn't bear parting from Guang. Jin had been crying in his own room, refusing to go out nor let anyone in except for Guang. That night, Guang had hugged and comforted Jin, just like he is doing now for David.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Guang reassuringly told him. He made sure to use the softest, gentlest tone he could muster. "You saved Jamie and Wendy. If you hadn't, you may not be able to escape alive. It was the right choice. You've done well, David."

Hearing those comforting words, more tears gushed down David's cheeks and he wailed. He threw himself onto Guang's chest, heaving and sobbing. The poor kid must have been holding it the entire time. Without his peers around, he could finally let himself cry as loudly and as ugly as he wanted.

Guang himself had to hold back his own tears to stay strong for the kid. No doubt, it was one of the most difficult trial for him. With every pitiful sound that the kid made, much like a wounded animal, Guang felt a knife was stabbed into his heart. It was cruel. No one should experience such painful events, much less a child.

"What did we ever do wrong?" David bawled. "Why did Lord Janus have to take Sister Rachel and Jason from us?"

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