Part five - this is me trying

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A/N  I actually don't think there are a need for an abuse trigger warning here so that's good I guess. This is a little longer one but I hope that's ok<3

"Get him out of here" Angela said to the other officers as they took Chris down to the shop. Angela slowly went over to Tim. She took a hold of he's Shulder when he snapped back. "The ambulance should be downstairs in 20 seconds. But what happened?" Angela asked but got no response. Before she knew it Tim had picked up Lucy and was running downstairs to the ambulance.

They got in the ambulance. But Angela just stood in the apartment wondering what happened with Lucy and Chris.
When they got to the hospital Lucy was brought right to the examination room to take scans and tests. Tim was held back by a nurse to answer some questions about what happened, while Lucy got her scans.

About 20 minutes later the doctor came out to talk to Tim. "So, she has a concussion. And it's pretty serious. She has a lot of bruising on her organs but no bleeding and she will not need surgery." The doctor said. Tim let out a small sight before he said. "When can I see her?"

The doctor replied "Right now if you want. But remember no tv for at least 1 week" Tim just nodded before following the doctor to Lucy's room. Tim took a chair and placed it beside the bed and took Lucy's hand with one hand and had the other on her head.

5 minutes later she started to wake up and started panicking. Tim quickly noticed and said "Babe it's ok you're safe here with me."
Lucy saw Tim and rolled out of bed onto his lap. She still didn't calm down.

Tim layed Lucy in bed and got in with her. She layed down on Tim's chest with her hands around him so she could hear his heart. After about 10 minutes she started to calm down. "Hey you wanna tell me what happened?" Tim said calmly but angry at the same time.

"He...he...he just came an...and started to scream at me and threatening me. He then beat me and said something but I don't remember. Why am I here?" Lucy said about to break down again. "You hit your head pretty hard and have a bad concussion. You also have some bruising inside you that's gonna hurt. But I will be here with you all the time and help you. I love you so much." Tim said while bringing Lucy closer to him.

"I love you too" Lucy said and asked "when can I go home? I just want to go home and cuddle in bed....forever." "I think we can go home later today" Tim said while trying not to just run and kill Chris. A few hours later Lucy was cleared to go back home. Angela came to the hospital to pick them up since they didn't have a car at the hospital.

The whole car ride back Lucy was fully sooned out and didn't talk at all. "Tim what the hell happened back at the apartment?" Angela asked quietly not to stress him or Lucy out. "I ...I don't know really. I was at the toilet when I heard screaming" Tim started to as he looked back at Lucy

"I got back into the living room as fast as I could but it was too late. She was already out." Tim said holding back his tears. "He wanted to kill her because of Hanna. He...h..he thought he killed her. What if I didn't hear her? She would be dead. And now she's back to where she was 1 months ago and maybe worse."

He just looked at her trying to not break down. "Hey Tim this is not your fault only Chris and Franks fault. Yeah maybe she is back to where she was or worse. But I know you will help her through it and be there for her ok?" Angela said trying to calm Tim down

"but what if I can't. What if she won't let me?" Tim said with a shaky voice when Angela interrupted him "you just be with your girl at all times. Don't give her up or let er go. She may push herself away but you don't let her. Let her take her time. It may take a week or it may take a year before she is fully herself and healed again but you just be there for her." Tim just nodded as they pulled up to the apartment complex.

"I will take her from here. Thank you so much for driving us" Tim said while picking Lucy up in his arms and carrying up to the apartment. Tim got her in the shower and helped her wash up, he helped her get her pj's on and got her under the covers. Tim then got himself ready before going to bed.
He pulled her closer to him before they both fell asleep.

A week later Lucy still hadn't said much. She stayed in bed all day just staring at the wall. Tim helped her eat, drink, go to the bathroom and shower. He followed Angela's advice and just let her take her time.

Everyday he made sure he at least spent 3-5 hours in bed with Lucy while watching a show. He did that to make sure Lucy knew he was there and so he made time for her to talk to him.
Another week later Lucy had finally started to eat by her self. But one day she whispered something to Tim while they were watching a show in bed.    

"I want to be your wife" "wait Lucy what did you say?" Tim said surprised that Lucy talked. She whispered again with less energy "I want to be your wife and the mother of your baby's" Tim was surprised but replied "do you want to be my wife right now. I can go get the papers after the cuddle time is done?"

Lucy turned around and nodded with a slight smile on her face. But Tim saw that Lucy was completely burned out and just tired. Tim helped Lucy get her head upon his chest so she could feel safe, relax and sleep. Tim played with Lucy's hair for a few minutes before she fell asleep even though it was in the middle of the day.

Tim messaged Angela to have Wesley and her bring over some marriage papers they could sign and told her where the spare key was so he didn't have to let go off Lucy. Only 15 minutes later Wesley and Angela walked in all dressed up. Lucy was still asleep on Tim's chest while Tim watched a show that was on.

Wesley and Angela walked into the bedroom. Tim shuusht them before they started talking. "So why the marriage papers?" Wesley whispered. "She spoke after 2 weeks she spoke. She whispered I want to be your wife and the mother of your kids. And when I asked if she wanted it now she just nodded" Tim whispered as Lucy started having a nightmare.

"Can you to go to the living room and close the door please just for 5 minutes?" Tim asked and Wesley and Angela closed the door. "Hey Lu, Lu it's ok, you're safe here in my arms." Tim said while pulling her closer "I need you to wake up for me to get rid of the bad things. I need you to wake up." Lucy's eyes shot open.

She saw Tim and hugged him tight. "Hey there. Are you ready to get married? Angela and Wesley are in the living room with the papers if you're ready." Tim said but then Lucy started to panic. "No, no no people please. Please don't" Lucy was panicking and was curled up like a ball on the bed baling her eyes out.

"Okay, okay I will go out there and sign the papers and then I will bring them in here to you okay?" Tim said as he sat up and hugged her tight. Lucy just nodded and Tim kisses her on the forehead before he went out to the others. "Hey where is Lucy?" Angela and Wesley both said at the same time. "She is not comming out. When I said you guys were here she started panicking and didn't want to meet other people. So I am just gonna sign it out here and then bring them to her." Tim said and Wesley and Angela nodded.

Tim signed the papers and brought them in to Lucy. "Hey baby. You can sign here and I will give the papers to Wesley so he can take them to the office and you can be my wife ok?" Tim said with a smile on his face. Lucy nodded and sighed the papers. Tim gave Lucy a kiss and went back out.

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