Part three- peace

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Tim looked around the apartment for Lucy when he found her hidden curled up in a corner crying. Tim slowly approached her as he saw all the bruising and bleeding on her body.
He calmly took a hold of her arms and said "hey lu. We need to get you to a hospital."

Lucy started to snap back into reality. She started panicking, she still hasn't realized that Tim was standing in front of her. "Get off me. Get off me. You have no right to be here." Lucy screamed but got interrupted by Tim "hey,hey,hey Lucy it's me Tim it's ok. He's gone now but we need to get you to a hospital" Lucy started to calm down so Tim picked her up to take her to the car.

Tim was gonna put her down in the car when she started panicking again. "no, no you can't... you can't leave me"Lucy said panicking. Tim tried to calm her down but it didn't work. So he picked her back up and called Angela to come and drive them to the hospital.

The whole way to the hospital Lucy sat on Tim's lap and Tim never let go off her. When they got to the hospital Tim carried Lucy while Angela walked beside them. Tim and Lucy went go sit down while Angela went up to the desk.

"We are here for a check up. The girl was strangled and beat up. She was out for about 10 minutes but never stopped breathing." Angela said to the nurse. "Ok, we'll get her to a doctor as quickly as possible. But first what's her name?" The nurse asked. "Oh yeah right, her name is Lucy Chen." Angela said.

The nurse registered her into the system and Angela went to sit down. When Angela got over Lucy had fallen asleep in Tim's arms. "Hey. How is she?" Angela asked. "She's broken. She won't let me let go off her and If I do she just starts to panic. I don't know what he did to her now or back in time, but I knew it must have killed her inside." Tim whispers back not to wake Lucy up.

5 minutes later the doctor came in."Lucy Chen" "yes over here" Angela stood up quick walking over to the doctor with Lucy and tim behind her. They got into the hospital room and Tim put Lucy down. Lucy was still asleep so she didn't notice. The doctor started to ask Tim and Angela some questions before they needed to wake Lucy up for some tests.

"Hey Lucy, it's time to wake up now. The doctor needs to take some tests" Tim said brushing his hand through her hair. Lucy slowly started to wake up. But then she started to panic again crying out for Tim. Tim picked her up so she could calm down. The doctor ended up needing to do the test while Lucy was in Tim's arms.

They went home and Tim put Lucy to bed. For Lucy not to panic she had to see him all the time. "Lucy, I am just going to get some water for us. I know you won't be able to see me but I will talk to you the whole time." Tim got the waters while talking to Lucy and then went back to Lucy in bed. Lucy cuddled up to Tim before saying "I'm sorry"

Tim tried to stop her but it didn't work. "I'm sorry for not telling you about him. Or my life as Hanna. I am sorry for not telling you I was married. And I'm so sorry about this. I'm sorry for not being able to let go of you. It's just that..." Tim interrupted her as she broke down in tears.

"You don't have to be sorry about anything. You didn't want to remember him and that I fully understand. And don't say sorry for not wanting me to go. He must have done some really bad things to you. And I'll be here when you are ready to talk about it. And I will be here all day every day until you are ready to go back to work. I will never hurt you and i will never let you go"

Lucy cuddled closer up to him before they both fell asleep. A few hours later Tim woke up from Lucy shaking in bed. He didn't understand what was happening, until Lucy started crying for help in help in her sleep. "Help, help he's gonna kill me. He's coming to get me"

Tim realized that she was having a nightmare about Frank so he started to calm her down. "Hey babe, you need to wake up for me please. You are safe here with me" Lucy's eyes shoot open while sitting up quickly.

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