Part seven-right where you left me

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"She went to the bathroom 5 minutes ago. I thought she was back by know. What's wrong?" Angela didn't get an answer from Tim as he ran to the bathroom to find his wife. "Lucy are you in here?" He asked as he went into the bathroom but didn't get an answer. He started to hear crying and someone struggling to breathe. Then he understood what was happening. "Hey baby I need you to open this door so i can help you breathe."

She still didn't answer. Ha crawled under the door and into the booth. "Hey hey. You need to breathe for me and I will take you to the car and we will drive home." He said. Tim just hugged Tim tight but she still couldn't breathe. He released that he wouldn't be able to let her go, so he called Angela. "Hey Ang I need you to drive us home please" Angela didn't ask any questions and just said. "Yes ofc, I will get the car and meet you by the entrance."

Tim picked Lucy up and went out of the bathroom. Lucy cried into Tim's chest so no one would see her when they walked through the station. Tim walked fast past everyone trying to get Lucy home as fast as possible. They met Angela by the entrance and Tim got in the backseat still holding Lucy tight in his arms. Lucy still struggled to breathe and was still bawling her eyes out.

Part 10
Angela didn't say anything the whole way and just rushed them home, since she understood what was happening. They got to the apartment, Tim thanked Angela and carried his wife upstairs. He got her and himself changed into pj's and got into bed.

Lucy crawled up on top of Tim not wanting him to leave her alone....ever. "What do you say to asking Ang to come here next time you want to talk to her?" Tim said and Lucy nodded. They watched a movie and Angela came by with dinner to them. Tim ate it all and Lucy just ate a little bit. Lucy fell asleep and Tim just held her and played with her hair. An hour later Tim also fell asleep.

The next morning Lucy woke up first. She went to the bathroom and then Tim woke up. He looked over to Lucy's side and he couldn't see her. He started to panic and tried to find her. "Lucy baby where are you? Are you here?" Tim shouted while getting out of bed. Lucy came running out of the bathroom half naked since she was about to take a shower.

"I am right here. What's wrong?" "I thought someone took you. Why do you only have underwear on. Don't take it wrong I like it but why?" Tim asked happy that she was okay. "I was about to get a shower" she answered. "Whithout me?" Tim asked in a flirty voice. Lucy put her hand out and went to the shower. Tim quickly took off his shirt as he ran after her.

They got in the shower and did ykyk for a while before getting out. They got dressed and went out for a walk. They went to the coffee shop they always walked to and ordered their coffee's. They were waiting for their coffee when Grey called Tim. Tim picked up and heard Grey panicking.

"Tim don't panic we are sending multiple units to your location but Frank broke out of the prison." Grey said as he tried to keep calm. "WHAT HOW TF IM I SUPPOSE TO KEEP CALM WHEN YOU TELL ME THIS" Tim said loudly into the phone but calm enough to not make Lucy panic. "You need to get Lucy to a highly crowded place until units arrive and do not go back to the apartment." Grey said and hung up.

Tim looked around for his wife and then he saw her holding the coffee's totally stoned out on something or someone. Tim ran to her. "Hey baby what's wrong?" He said as he took the coffee's and placed them on a table. He gently took a hold of Lucy's arms trying to get her to snap out of it.
"'s h..him. Why is he here? You said he was gone." Lucy said totally shaky. Tim turned around and saw Frank outside of the window he was looking for someone.

"Lucy we need to go." Tim said panicking as he took her hand and dragged her out of the coffee shop. They meet the units that were going to get them and they got in the shop(police car). "Hey you. He is right around the corner by the coffee shop you need to get him." Tim said to the officer. He looked at Lucy who was totally gone. It was no way to get in contact.

She was fully sooned out and frozen by the fact that the man she was so afraid of for so many years first found her at her home and a short time after broke out of prison to probably kill her. They drove quickly to the station while some other units went to find Frank. The whole way to the station Tim just stared at Lucy who was so broken and empty.

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