18. Last Good Moment With The Avengers

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"Hey, Thor." Spider-man at the age of 15 before that tragic night greeted the God of thunder's powerful arms enveloped around him for a firm hug.

The son of Odin smiled as he lifted Spider-man off his feet. "I have missed you, my young friend. How fares you of late?"

"I missed you too, man. I'm doing well...how about you? It's been a long time since we last saw each other."

"Indeed it has." Thor said, his blue eyes turning serious for a moment. "I have been trying to find answers for why the Infinity stones have resurfaced in the past few years. Alas, my duties in Asgard has kept me from making a more concentrated effort and the information I've found thus far amounts to precious little."

Spider-man admittedly knew very little about the Infinity stones. The last time they met, Thor had explained to him the basics of what they were and he was aware the mind stone was used to create Vision. Speaking of Vision, the android had phased into another room after FRIDAY informed him of an incoming call. It must've been pretty important considering he hasn't returned yet.

"Father suggested that I take a break from all my duties, which is why I've returned to Earth. I wish to see our friends again before I head back...although it seems they are not here."

"The team left for a mission not too long ago." Spider-man explained. "Right now, it's just me and Vision here."

"I see. Do you know when they'll return?"

"I'm not sure but you're welcome to wait here. I don't think they'll be gone for too long." The young Spider said before he remembered something. "...Friday mentioned you brought company. Where are they?"

Thor smiled brightly. "Ah yes, I nearly forgot. I'd like you to meet two dear friends of mine."

The doors slid open again and this time, two beautiful brunette women entered the room. One of them wore glasses and a look of excitement adorned her face as she checked out the living area. The other lady appeared more calm in comparison and when she met eyes with Spider-man, she gave him a nervous wave.

For some reason, he felt like he's seen her before...where from exactly he couldn't remember but his mind was getting closer to figuring it out.

"This is Jane Foster." The God of thunder introduced as she stepped forward. "The world's foremost expert in astrophysics. Jane, this is my friend, Spider-man Parker."

The famed astrophysicist extended her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Dr. Foster." He shook her hand, finally realizing why she seemed so familiar. "I'm a big fan of your work. I've read your papers on the theory of using wormholes as potential gateways."

She looked pleasantly surprised. "You understood what I wrote? I haven't even translated the scientific terms for the general public yet...and I didn't think anyone under the age of twenty five read research papers."

Spider-man sheepishly chuckled. "I love science. Biochemistry's what I've studied the most but I like learning about the other scientific disciplines too."

"Young Parker is very intelligent. I daresay his aptitude for science rivals that of Stark's or perhaps even yours, Jane." Thor praised, patting a strong hand on Spider-man's back.

"That's amazing! Are you interested in being an intern? It'd be nice to work with someone who actually understands my research."

"Uh...I'll have to check with Mr. Stark. I'm kind of already his intern." Was it even legal to be an intern for two different people?

"I'm sure we can work something out." Jane said with a grin before she turned to her friend...who was using her phone to take pictures of the dining area. "Darcy, stop snapping photos and introduce yourself already!"

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