6. Adorable Hibernation

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“Good thing I picked up some Chinese, I think I'm too tired to eat Mexican tonight." Fubuki sighed as her frosty hands humbled into her coat, wincing as soon as she felt the cold metal against her skin. She managed to open the door quickly as soon as the key opened it, the door jamming a bit. As soon as she came in, she noticed the lights were still on but the window was wide open, the breeze making the room cooler.

"Michael! I'm home!" She set the food down on their kitchen counter of their own penthouse, she looked around and saw he wasn't there. 
"Must be delayed…Spider-man related things?”  She asked herself, assuring that was the case since the window was wide open. She went over and closed it, sighing as she felt the heat surge in the room from the heater. She took off her coat, shoes and changed into some nice comfortable pjs. She turned on the TV and switched some channels to see if she could find a movie to watch until Michael came back. 
It wasn't until a few minutes later only there was a quick knocking at the door. She didn't know whether to expect Michael or not. Fubuki got up from the couch and opened it to find Camila, the neighbor who is a beautiful blonde woman who also lived across the hall from them.
"Hey Camila!” She frowned looking at the girl’s nervous look. "Is there something wrong?" 
The girl stuck her hands together. "Um. Is Michael with you?" 
Fubuki cocked her head. "No, I haven't seen him since this morning before work. Do you need him?" 
Camila shook her head, grabbing Fubuki's arm and bringing her out of the apartment and down the stairs. "I think there's something you should see." 
Fubuki's blood ran cold as Camila kept walking her down the stairs of the apartment complex. Ok, this definitely had something to do with Michael. Is he hurt? Injured? Fubuki didn't really want to know what Camila was implying. The suspense really doesn’t help!
She was pulled from her on-coming traffic of paranoid thoughts as they entered the laundry room. It smelled nice and looked clean, there was a large basket of clothes and mini baskets around the room. No blood. Ok, okay. Fubuki can work with this.
"Um, Camila. Does this have something to do with Michael?" She asked hesitantly, her voice sounding smaller than it should. "What's going on?" 
Camila put her finger up to her mouth and gave Fubuki the shush gesture, leading her to the back of the laundry room where the dryers were. Fubuki was beyond confused as she trailed behind.
It wasn't until they reached the very back of the room with all the dryers until Camila pointed to a huge basket. Fubuki's eyes widened at the sight. 
"Oh my gosh." 
Lo and behold, Michael was sleeping in said basket of warm, dried clothes. His body was in some sort of fetal position that had him tucked inside the basket and he was clinging onto the dried clothes for his dear life. His face was peaceful looking, looking far too young. 
"W-what...so he fell asleep in the basket?” She asked more to herself, kneeling to look at Michael's body and breathe soundly. She gently patted Michael's cheeks. He looked so adorable.
"Hey Sweetie.” She whispered with care. “You fell asleep miles away from our nice cozy bed." She started to panic a bit as he didn't wake up. "Mike?" 
Camila kneeled next to her. "He must be really tired to not wake up. I tried but…” She shook her head and frowned. “If..there’s anything I can do to help…” she offered meekly. 
"Hmm." Fubuki patted her chin for a moment. She then gave a nervous smile to Camila. 
“Now that you mention it…” 
"Not to be mean, but for such a small adorable guy he is really heavy." 
"That or his ridiculously heavy coat." They hauled the basket upstairs, trying to shut up their groans and wheezes until they finally ended up in front of Fubukis and Michael's shared apartment. Too bad the elevator was broken. Woo woo. Go team! 
She fumbled with her keys again and kicked it open, grabbing the basket again and Camila helping hold her precious cargo inside the penthouse. Camila and her gently put the basket down, the two girls having their hands on their knees as they took a breather. 
Camila, out of curiosity, tried to pry the heavy coat out of Michael's hands to see if that would spark a reaction. He didn't react, but his firm grip still held on tight into the coat. Fubuki studied this, figuring it had something to do with Michael being sticky.

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