Aviana watched merrily, lounging about in the chair as Snape set about mixing a potion, it taking him only a few minutes before he took the beaker of a purplish-grey potion and a glass of water, tipping it in. She looked mildly impressed as the entire solution turned clear. "Drink this." Snape instructed, placing the glass down. "You need to sober up."

Meekly, under the impression that perhaps she should have taken more care in what she had been doing down in Hogsmeade, Aviana took several sips, wincing at the taste and gagging when she held the glass away. "What the fu-"

"Language, Miss Rosier." Snape said. "Did Professor Umbridge decide not to inform you of this meeting?"

"I've not been going to breakfast." Aviana said, confused. "This is a meeting with Umbridge? Oh, so she finally grew a set of balls and decided to do something about it."

"Five points for your language, Miss Rosier. That is no way to speak about a member of staff." Snape drawled.

"And that is no way to pretend that you don't like her almost as much as me." Aviana rolled her eyes, falling back down to reality and once again achieving that attitude she always had, legs crossing.

Snape glared at her, but there was no time for him to respond and inform her otherwise, knuckles rapping on the door, it opening before Snape had even had a chance to reply.

"Professor Umbridge, come in." Snape said, dully, not looking any more pleased by the idea than Aviana was, as the girl sat sullenly, staring at the floor, curled up right in the armchair.

"Miss Rosier, I'm pleased you decided to turn up to this meeting." Umbridge simpered, as she took a seat on the second armchair, Snape taking a seat behind the desk. "You are aware that this is the second time I have had to schedule this meeting."

"I haven't checked my mail for weeks." Aviana replied, curtly. "If you wish to hold a meeting, perhaps you should ensure that everyone participating is aware of it?"

"And that is a simply wonderful way into what this meeting is about." Umbridge clasped her hands, allowing them to rest in her lap. "As you can see, Professor Snape, Miss Rosier consistently shows disrespect and disregard to any of the attempts I have to remedy this behaviour. She refuses to go to the detentions-"

"Wonder why." Aviana muttered.

"Now, should that not be enough, Miss Rosier has constantly gone out of her way to stand inappropriately within public spaces and engage with Mr Potter."

Aviana shot up in her seat. "This is what this meeting is about? Surely you're aware that there are no rules against any students dating. Just because you don't like either me or Harry then that doesn't mean we can't shag."

"Miss Rosier." Snape looked horrified, and failed to mask that, a hand raised to stop her. "I don't believe that this meeting has anything to do with your choices in who you spend your time with, but rather how you act towards your teachers."

"Teacher." Aviana corrected. "I believe you'll find that if look back throughout there years that there has not be one instance of me acting like this towards any other professor."

"As you can clearly see, Professor Snape, Miss Rosier is more than blatant towards the vendetta she holds against me."

Snape looked away from Aviana, eyes settling on the woman in pink. "Yes... what do you wish to do about this?" He asked.

"Well, I can only expect to have to begin to inform other people of this behaviour, because to be quite frank, Professor Snape, any attempt I make to help Aviana better herself for learning this year will be swiftly swept under the rug." Umbridge folded her palms. "Perhaps, Professor Dumbledore-" 

"Headmaster Dumbledore is currently a very busy man, I'm sure you're aware." Snape drawled. "He will certainly have no time for discipline a student."

"Then, I believe it's time we contacted her parents and had a discussion with them about this behaviour and allow them to consider the best path for Aviana's education in the future." Umbridge said, all too girlishly.

Silence hung in the office. Aviana, who had been cradling her head in her hands, despairing over the stupidity of it all, slowly looked up.

"Fuck off." She said, breathless.

"Excuse me?" Umbridge blinked, voice much higher in pitch.

"Fuck off. Seriously. Fuck right off."

"Miss Rosier! That is inappropriate language-"

"You sent my father to fucking Azkaban." Aviana said, rising from her seat. "You sent him to fucking Azkaban. You met me, in June, before his trial and offered me tea and then you sat there and voted to send him to Azkaban."

"For crimes that he did commit." Umbridge said smoothly. Snape leant back in his chair; he had decided that it did not bode well for him to interrupt at such time. "Did he not?"

"You should know, you're the one who said he was guilty!" Aviana replied.

"Fine." Umbridge said primly. "Your mother, then."

Snape let out a very audible sigh.

"I have not seen my mother since June. Since my father went to prison." Aviana hissed. "I have no fucking clue where that woman has gone, I have not heard from her for months, but if you want to have a nice little chat about her about how I hate the woman who helped in sending my father, her husband, to Azkaban, then I'm sure she would be very happy in coming out of hiding for a chat with you." The girl folded her arms. "I'm sure you can continue to abuse your power and pull some strings to locate her."

Umbridge turned, all too calmly, to Professor Snape. "I suggest she be expelled." She said.

"For what? For what? For not blindly agreeing with a woman spewing Ministry propaganda?" Aviana stared at her. "And where will you send me, hm? Because I've already been removed from my home because I'm under seventeen and apparently incapable of looking after myself properly. Fuck off. Actually fuck off."

And she stormed out of the room without a second thought.

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