Confused And Exhausted

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Dedicated to heartstopperxo, Ames_22, JayMari-lyn, Narlieship, Robin_Writes_12, Dabisxhawksgirl, nappol, Heartst0pp3r_l0ver, michelle_1456, sachas_diary, Love4Locke, Kind_Butterfly5032, shykidDebs, and heartstopp3for all of the incredibly kind support you've shown every chapter of this story so far! I could not be more grateful!

And a special shoutout to antoniaeppensteiner for their patience! Sorry this chapter came out a bit later than I said, but I hope you enjoy it, nonetheless :)

How could I have been so stupid?

I knew Ben was going to try and get into my head and I let him do it anyway. He talked about Charlie as if he were just some object to be earned and I, I let him. I sat there and I did nothing.

Okay, being completely honest, nobody could really say that the rugby lad had done nothing to defend his boyfriend solely because he hadn't punched Ben (Still not sure if I made the right choice about that, either), even Nick himself. Especially considering said reaction would've been sure to have resulted in Ben's satisfaction for there was not a single doubt in any of the year twelves' minds that Mr. Farouk would catch any disruption in his classroom during practice exams.

Both because he genuinely cared about his students' educations and because he found, even if only shown on his bushy-bearded face, quite a bit of enjoyment in sending the students who didn't follow the school's rules to detention.

Something which Darcy had made a running gag within the gang's inner circle, though Tao was always quick to remind her that she didn't have to actually deal with him in a classroom setting.

"True, but I can live with you being a messenger for these types of things," She had retorted, her sassy wink undeniably muting any of her friend's opinionated protests.

They're probably the only two people I know who somehow simultaneously find a way to be both annoyed and appreciate one another all at the same time.

But he didn't do enough.

Enough to study for the practice test, to defend Charlie, or, or to just show anyone, even just one person, who he really was.

I know I told Imogen a few days ago and I'm really thankful that she took it so well. Especially since she's been like one of my closest friends since I was little, next to Tara. But if that was so easy, why can't it just be the same with everybody else? In fact, shouldn't it be easier since I care about what she thinks of me more?

I like Charlie, and nothing's going to change that. It never could. So why can't I just shout it to the world like I told him I wanted to?

Yes, Nick Nelson could wholeheartedly see it now;

The comforting sensation of Charlie's body jostling playfully in Nick's teal hoodied-arms, gripping onto his boyfriend's chest for dear life as if they were once again standing back at the pier's beachside, feeling the ocean's waves ripple across his bare feet.

The Escape; A Heartstopper Story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang