An Art Full of Secret Kisses

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Dedicated to heartstopperxo, AmyDerycke, JayMari-lyn, Narlieship, and Robin_Writes_12 for all of their amazingly kind support of this story so far! You are all such wonderful people :)

" Coming up for oxygen."

" The world's the same, but something's changing."

" You see it on the street again."

" Lighting up the strangest faces."

" And it feels like that."

" Sweeter than the best you've ever had."

" And, oh, it takes me back,"

" To being sixteen, dancing like you're under attack."

" I don't really care if it nearly kills me,"

" I'd give you the world if you asked me to."

" I could break a glass just to watch it shatter,"

" I'd do anything just to feel with you."

"Okay, I know I said this wasn't a good idea-which I still fully believe is true! But that doesn't mean it's not kinda sorta nice, also..." Charlie thouoht as he slowly felt his mouth slip gently away from Nick's, the taste of the latter's morning tea now lingering passionately on both the boys' lips.

" Charlie thouoht as he slowly felt his mouth slip gently away from Nick's, the taste of the latter's morning tea now lingering passionately on both the boys' lips

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Something that simultaneously managed to send Charlie's heart skipping several beats in an instant and give him a rather distinct calling for Ms. Nelson's speciel concoction of apple cinnamon and sunflower seed tea, also.

Wonder if that excuse would be passable enough with my parents to let me go over to Nick's on study breaks?

A thought that the fifteen year-old already knew was nothing short of wishful thinking due to both his mum's general strictness towards him dating mostly anybody, especially boys, and the sort of large term paper Charlie had "forgotten" to do over the last few weeks.

Nick wasn't distracting me, though! I've just been really busy with other...things...

Important things, of course! Only, he couldn't exactly think of what the aforementioned things were while he was with Nick, per say.

"Still regretting being a little late to class?" Nick asked, a light grin of happiness covering his dimpled face as he pulled the thick gray strap of his backpack over his muscular right shoulder.

Though, Charlie took much more notice of the way his dirty blonde hair brushed against the slightly creased lines of his forehead rather than his knowing remark or muscles.

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