I'm Always Going To Be Here For You

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Dedicated to heartstopperxo, Ames_22, JayMari-lyn, Narlieship, Robin_Writes_12, Dabisxhawksgirl, nappol, Heartst0pp3r_l0ver, and michelle_1456 for all of the superbly sweet support you've shown this story so far! I truly love you all :)

And a special thank you goes to sachas_diary, Love4Locke, Kind_Butterfly5032, shykidDebs, and heartstopp3 just for being so amazingly kind! I'm sincerely excited to get to talk more with you all!

"C'mon, Nick, where are you..." Charlie thought, excitement coursing through his every vein as he awaited the arrival of his boyfriend in the shaded patch of grassy area a few feet away from Truham's entrance, the soles of his pacing sneakered-feet incidentally uplifting a bit of dirt every minute or so.

For the first time in the fifteen year-old's life he had been granted the relaxing pleasure of finishing his school day half an hour early, something which less than a year ago would've probably felt like the greatest unexpected miracle he could ask for.

It would've let him get away from the stress which was naturally brought with high school studying, from the strict teachers who batted a blind eye during his bullying, and the kids who were doing that very aforementioned thing, also.

But those were all feelings Charlie could firmly say resided in his past now, worries which while would crop up in his mind on occasion, were moments far outweighed by his enthusiasm to meet up with his boyfriend every morning at that same very place he'd used to be so afraid of.

I don't have to worry about those things anymore, though. Because with Nick, everything's perfect. And that's the way I intend on keeping things for him, too.

Two things which were the reasons he'd been led into this excruciatingly annoying predicament of passing time until he could indeed find said boyfriend of his and envelope him in his embrace in the first place.

The looming task of burying their heads back into the seemingly endless depths of term papers and essays casting a sense of unwanted dread over Charlie's head, reminding him of yet another point as to why he preferred anxiously pacing around the leafy green alder tree that was Issac's special reading sanctuary rather than actually heading home to finish his coursework assignments.

Which I know isn't going to get me anywhere because the longer I push those things off, the less likely it is I'll be able to go to Paris with Nick, which isn't optional.

But how am I supposed to focus on a history report when I don't know if Nick's okay yet?

"You're thinking about Nick again, aren't you?" Guessed Tao, his lanky legs folded agitatedly over one another as his eyes were forced to watch the dizzying sight which was his best friend's attempt at a self-made merry-go-round.

Only one that Tao would personally presume was even more disorientating due to the fact that he and Issac were, both metaphorically and physically speaking, directly in the middle of it.

"What?" Charlie asked, distractedly, his form continuing its circular motions.

A pattern that only occasionally paused every few minutes, both so his eager eyes could search the entire front grounds for his boyfriend and to make sure he wasn't attracting too much attention to himself, either.

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