Practice Exam Stress

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Dedicated to heartstopperxo, Ames_22, JayMari-lyn, Narlieship, Robin_Writes_12, Dabisxhawksgirl,  and nappol for all of the amazing support they've been showing this story so far! You are all such sweet human beings :)

And an extra thank you goes out to both Heartst0pp3r_l0ver and michelle_1456 for your incredibly kind words! I'm truly so excited to get to know you both better :)


Just take your best guess.


Think of something! Anything!

Were only some of the thoughts furiously racing through Nick’s mind as he blankly stared down at his GCSE worksheets with a complete and irrefutable sense of distracted frustration.

He knew more than half of the correct answers to the ten pages that lay scattered across his borrowed desk in the middle of Truham’s auditorium, detailed responses to complicated questions simply sitting inside his brain.

But that was exactly the rugby lad’s problem; He didn’t know how to actually reach them.

A very dilemma Nick felt had become the description of most of everything in his life, recently.

Everything except Charlie, that is. 

I know the answers I should be writing, words that would hopefully not only get me a passing grade, but also, help me get out of here quicker. But my stupid hand won’t stop shaking for long enough to let me focus on anything!

An internalized observation that was shown in all its terrific accuracy by Nick’s right hand’s hovering position above his papers, the tip of his lead pencil having dotted the topmost sheet with an innumerable amount of unintentional lines throughout the last half an hour straight.

Though his physical movements may have been suspended in a constant indefinite loop, his senses hardly shared the same unfocused sentiments.

No, those things had nearly seemed to only be enhanced by the absence of Nick’s conscious thought-process, leaving the perpetual shakiness of his nerves to control any and all of his head’s attentiveness.

The ticking of Mr. Farouk’s wrist watch bounced back and forth around the spacious room, each miniscule passage of time acting as a repetitive reminder that sitting still indeed wouldn’t be an option for Nick, even if he did manage to make himself do so.

For every second that was wasted slowly inched the teenager closer to failure.

Which is a bad thing. Even if I can’t entirely remember why at the moment.

A disconnected comment that only seemed to send another wave of anxiety shooting through Nick’s arm, tensing its muscles under the invisible pressure that is expectation.

“Are you thinking about how you can make out with Charlie again without anyone knowing? Or is this just how stupid you usually are,” scoffed the boy seated unwantingly beside Nick, the smell of his tart cherry danished-breath wafting unpleasantly down the back of the rugby lad’s neck.

His wavy brunette hair hung unevenly against his shoulders, leaving any observer to be pierced directly by the intimidation of his dark brown pupils. Though, Nick had always strongly believed that he tried too hard to seem cool to accomplish anything with his obsessive eyes other than the absence of any person actually worth someone’s time.

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