As the chorus echoed promises, Solea wished for assurance and wondered if Sante' saw their connection with the same depth. The vulnerability she willingly embraced left her teetering between fear and excitement, unsure of what the future held.

"Holding me tight
Loving me right
Giving me life
All night
You could be
(You could be)
Telling me lies
Making me cry
Wasting my time
The whole time
So just be
Careful what you take for granted, yeah
'Cause with me, know you could do damage
You, you could do damage
You, you could do damage, yeah, uh"

In the midst of her soulful serenade, the shower's ambiance changed, and Solea sensed his presence—Sante'. His prominent figure towered over her small one, feeling his strong arms taking her in, tender kisses traced down her spine, and his hands explored her curves, igniting sensations that made her momentarily forget the lyrics.

"Why'd you stop singing?" his whispered question teased her ear, his lips leaving a trail of warmth.

"Because you always distract me," she admitted, feeling the rhythmic throbbing feeling building up.

"I haven't done nothin' to you, ma. Keep singing for me," his raspy voice urged, reveling in the sweet sound of her voice.

He enveloped her in a tight embrace, the warmth of his body mingling with the steam. His kisses persisted, and she succumbed to his allure. "Ok, baby," she.

"Oh, you're falling for me.
Oh, baby, I caught it.
Ooh, we could be whatever you wanna call it.
Promise that you won't let me fall, oh."

As she sang, she lay her head back onto his shoulder, her eyes closed, immersed in the blend of their passion. The lyrics continued, revealing the depth of her feelings.

"Holding me tight,
Loving me right,
Giving me life,
All night."

Turning her head slightly, she locked eyes with him, intensifying the simmering tension. As she sang the lines, Sante' gazed at her with an unwavering intensity, and she could feel the electricity between them increasing.

In response, he slowly bent down, capturing her lips with a rough kiss that held both passion and a hint of something deeper— love? Maybe. The connection between them ignited, and Solea found herself entangled in the raw, tender embrace of the moment.

"Careful what you take for granted, yeah, uh
'Cause with me, know you could do damage
You, uh, you could do damage
You, you could do damage
Oh, you could do damage
No, you could do damage, yeah
Oh, you could do damage, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, you could do damage on me"

As they continued kissing slowly but with intention, Sante' grabbed both of her ass cheeks smacking one side as he massaged them afterwards, exiting a harsh moan from Solea. Sante' took that as his opportunity to slickly enter his tongue with hers, guiding it to explore the insides of her mouth as she tried to keep up.

Groaning lowly he separated from her only to where his lips were touching hers , staring into her eyes "open your mouth" raising her eyebrow she was confused, "what you mean ?".

Looking at her confused face he couldn't do anything but smirk while locking his lips, her response telling him everything he needed to know.

Brining one of his hands that was rubbing her ass up to her throat, he squeezed gently gaining a soft moan from her as her eyes threatened to close, bringing his face closer to hers so their noses would touch "open your fucking mouth mamas" he gritted out in a voice that had her lower region wet.

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