Chapter 15: Catfight

Start from the beginning

As if every word uttered by Jim offended her, Freen sprung up from the bed in exasperation, "How was it my fault? Am I the one who initiated everything? I'm just a victim of the situation."

"Kade told me that you had a fight with Becky prior to that incident."

"That's because she's overthinking of every single petty thing." Freen sputtered.

"Are you telling me that whatever she's been overthought was groundless?" Jim shook her head in disbelief. The famous Freen Sarocha was not always bright as she was well known. Sometimes Jim wished she could just smack Freen on the head to instil some sense into that big head.

Jim glared at Freen long enough to distress the girl. The ego in Freen wanted to deny everything yet she knew that she has stepped her foot on the wrong side. She was at the fault for everything that happened.

"I see now. I am the one to blame then." Freen groaned internally, letting out a long sigh of frustration.

"I did warn you." It seemed like the two girls' little argument had disturbed Kade's sleep. They did not even realise since when Kade has been observing them with those sleepy eyes.

"I'd tell you that there's something weird about Neeta, but you turn a blind eye to it." Kade added.

"Now the damage has been done, what's your recovery plan for it?" Jim softened. She felt sorry for seeing Freen conflicted there, being anxious under their stares. Whatever happened could not be undone. Their stupid friend was left with no choice but to deal with the consequences.

"I bet she doesn't have any." Now everyone's attention was drawn to Tee's voice. They were not sure how long that one friend has been listening to everything. Tee just laid there motionless while throwing her empty gaze at the ceiling.

"Maybe you should start with Neeta. Let's sort out the major problem first while Becky is away." Kade suggested.

"Shall we get something to eat first? I'm starving." Tee was fast to butt in before they could proceed any further. The one Freen needed to deal might take forever.


The silence was deafening that you could have heard a pin drop. Four pairs of intense eyes, staring at one with none of them speaking made the situation even drier and awkward. The Fabulous Four managed to get Neeta away from the others, having their private moment at the study room in the hostel. It's the time for the confrontation.

"So...did you breakup with her?" Neeta chose to break the silence with the most controversial yet provocative question.

The unremorseful smirk that followed right after caused all hell broke loose. Kade was the first to lose her patience. Jim and Tee had to hold Kade back before the girl started to make a scene.

"God knows how much I wish I could slap you in the face." Kade was seethed with anger.

"I see now that's your intention." Freen spoke, maintaining her composure even though she was breaking inside. Her eyes were swollen and red from so much crying. In fact, she did not even have the energy to confront Neeta at times like this, but she could not delay it no more. It must be settled right away before the entire situation worsened.

"How could you do this to me?"

Neeta grimaced and sighed countlessly as if she was in trouble but never really said anything in response. She looked as thrice as conflicted from the moment she entered the room a while ago.

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