He grabbed his sheets and started to make his bed while Harry watched, still a little shaken up.

"So where are ya from, Harry?" Niall asked, not looking up from his work.

"C-Cheshire." Harry replied, clumsily picking up, then dropping his bags again as he tried to move towards the other bed.

Niall turned around at the sounds and stifled a laugh when he saw Harry with his arms full.

He blushed as he dumped his things on the bed and started to unpack his clothes into the dresser and piled his books on top.

"Um, you're from Ireland, yeah?" Harry asked. "I, uh, noticed the, um, accent."

"Yeah." Niall nodded. "Mullingar. Just moved over here for the start of this semester."

"Nice." Harry replied, tucking his now empty suitcase and trunk underneath the bed before unfolding the clean sheets.

"So, uh, you probably don't know many people here." Harry continued. "You know, being a different country and all."

"Yeah." Niall laughed again. "Well, I mean, I know you, now!"

Harry chuckled again as he smoothed out his newly made bed, and started to unpack his carry bag.

He placed his current book on the side table, and then started to alphabetize the others as he placed them up on the shelf above his bed.

"So you like books, hey?" Niall sat on the end of his book as he watched Harry work.

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "I always have."

"That's cool." Niall looked around the room, as Harry finished up and turned to sit on his bed too, facing Niall.

"I, um, I was going to meet some friends." Harry said, picking at the blankets. "Did you want to come with?"

"Sure!" Niall chirped. "Made friends already, hey?" He laughed, and Harry blushed.

"N-No," He shook his head. "They're my two friends from high school, we all decided to go to the same uni after graduation."

"Oh that's nice!" Niall smiled, nodding. "I would love to come with ya. Could use some friends here."

"Okay." Harry smiled back at him, standing up from his bed.

He picked up his phone and wallet from the side table and put them in his pocket as Niall did the same.

They went back into the crowded hall, and Harry's breath hitched. Niall closed the door behind them while Harry stood there, eyes squeezed closed again.

"Harry?" Niall nudged his arm, making the boy step forwards, hiding his frightened face from his new friend. He didn't want to freak him out after only knowing him for a little while.

He smiled as best he could and nodded, letting his breath out of his nose.

When they got to the end, they started down the stairs, Harry shaking his head a little as he calmed down, and flexed his hands.

"You alright?" Niall asked him, making Harry nod quickly.

"Yeah." He breathed. "I, uh, I don't like crowds."

"Neither do I." Niall laughed, making Harry nod. It was good to know that Niall was similar to him, but he was never going to be the same.

Harry knew he was weird, and it made him feel worse about himself. He'd always had issues keeping friends, because they all thought the same, that he was odd and quiet.

Harry was self-conscious enough, and the added bonus of being alone through most of high school didn't help.

So when he decided to come to university, he wanted to try and change. He wanted to be better with people, and be one of those people who could make friends.

Which was why it was important that Niall didn't know just how weird he was.

Harry laughed along with him, hiding his nerves.

"So where are we meeting them?" Niall asked as they exited the building and started walking across the campus.

"Uh, t-there's a diner." Harry pointed towards a park. "Through there. It's not far. And Liam says it's good."

Harry tended to ramble a little when he was forced to speak through his nerves.

"Okay." Niall nodded, noticing Harry's nervous rambling. He tried to be nice and calm, to make him feel better.

And that was when Harry knew that he'd made a good choice in being his friend, and that he had the world's best roommate.

Because Niall never pressed him or asked questions, he was just kind and supportive and a really good friend.

Making Harry's already stressful and hectic life, just a little more bearable.







hope you guys are liking this one! please vote/comment if you liked it! x

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