Chapter 9 - My Daughter's Mother

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Two old couple, came towards them, they looked so elegant

"Mom, Dad" Sam called them,
"Sam, come to the mansion now" Her father said
"But Dad, I have work. I will come tomorrow "
"No, you do what I tell, bring them too"
Mr Anantrakul said looking towards Mon and Little Sam, then he start walking leaving them.

"Mom, what Dad want from me"
Sam asked her mother

"Sam, you know your Dad right, if you don't want to make him angry, just come" Mrs Anantrakul said then looked at Little Sam and Mon try to say something but before that, Mr Anantrakul called her

"Are you not coming?"

"Ok lets meet at the mansion Sam" Mrs Anantrakul said to her daughter

They left, Sam told Mon that they are her parents and couldn’t introduced properly and she asked Mon if it is ok to go to her parents mansion with her. Mon said yes.

After that, Sam drive towards the mansion with Mon and their daughter.
Sam told Mon not to worry, she will talk to her parents.

When they reached the mansion, Mon followed Sam inside the mansion, who is holding their daughter.

They reached a big hall, a big sofa is laying in middle of room, next to that, Sam parents were sitting on two single seated sofa.

They took the sofa, Little Sam sit in-between her parents.

Mr Anantrakul clear his throat
"What are you doing Samanan?"
"Nothing Dad"

"I called you many time to come, but you always said you were busy, are you really busy or are you enjoying. I heard that you don't come in time for work.

"Dad, I may not present there 24 hours, but I make sure everything is going smoothly. All are good at office"
Sam said

"Who are they?" Mr Anantrakul asked her daughter, then he looked at Mon

"Don't take me wrong girl, but I need to know, people are talking about her living with you, I need to know"

Mon nod, she know this day will come sooner or later, people will know, she can't live with Sam forever without any label, thats why she always asked Sam about their relationship.

"Dad, she is Mon. She is my daughter's mother and here Little one is my daughter"

Mr Anantrakul looked at his daughter, then Mon and then towards Little Sam, its like Sam is just joking or babbling like it's nothing.

"Sam, its not time for joke"
"Dad, its not a joke, its true"

"How could you have a daughter out of nowhere?" Mr Anantrakul asked, raising his voice

"Dad don't you see her face, she is totally after me. She is my blood and your granddaughter"

"But how??"

Sam took a deep breath, she thought why she had to explained everything again and again from the beginning to different people but it's because of her fault so she told everything.

Her mother is already in tears, her father eyes are red with anger.

"How old she was?" Her father asked
"And you?"

"So when you were 28, you took a 20 year old girl and when she got pregnant, you asked what, I don't want to say that word infront of the kid, Are you mad Sam? Did we thaugh you to do like that. Answer me Sam??" Mr Anantrakul shouted

"Dad, don't shout please, my daughter will think that you are shouting at her, Her name is Sam too"

Mr Anantrakul looked at Mon
"Hey girl, are you mad too, if I were you I won't forgive her at any cost, but you even named your daughter after her "

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