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I sighed deeply and slouched my shoulders with a groan. Never did I think that trying to train Grogu to use the force would be so difficult. There was a sort of language barrier too that didn't help our situation. I couldn't tell if he wasn't understanding my language or if he didn't understand simply because he was a baby. I ruled that thought out because when Din and I would joke, he would sometimes giggle.

Grogu and I had been trying to train all morning. At least I think it was morning—er early afternoon now. We'd taken the last couple of days to recoup from the events on Tatooine, just preserving fuel and floating aimlessly through space.

Learning "the force and Jedi stuff" as Din calls it, was something that interested the Mandolorian. He didn't admit that out loud but I could tell from the way he watched our training sessions that he was curious about the force. He wanted to be present for every activity. If I could only get some sort of progress from my Padawan, I'd feel a lot better about this myself.

"Give it one more try, kid."Din encouraged the creature.

I was at the point of begging, but I needed to have more patience with him. I took a deep breath," Grogu, please, try to move the ball. Focus. Feel the force around and how it moves through the air. It's around you and inside of every living thing. The air you breathe, the the tingle in your finger tips. Reach out in your mind to embrace it. Don't run from it."

Grogu closed his eyes after a moment and held out his little hand towards the ball. His face was a little strained not the relaxed features it should've been. Both Din and I watched with held breath until...nothing happened. Again. I don't even know why I was surprised.

I closed my eyes in disappointment. I leaned back until I was laying on the cool metal of the razor crest's floor; causing my golden hair to fan out above my head. I used two fingers to massage my temples.

"I think we should call it a day, little one." I muttered and felt even more crushed when I heard his tiny laughter. I shook my head in disbelief.

"He'll get it," Din sounded hopeful which was refreshing to hear. I sat up and looked at him, "Maybe he just needs the right motivation."

"And what do you think that is?" I ran a hand through my hair making the bangs frame my face.

I found it odd that his voice sounded strained. He looked down and scratched the back of his neck, "Well when he would use his powers before, my life was being threatened."

That was interesting," hmm he was protecting you. I don't know what he's witnessed in the past but something is causing him to repress his abilities. The potential is there just lingering under the surface. For some reason he has emotional ties to be able to access it."

"He just needs more time."

We fell into a comfortable silence as we both watch Grogu chase a little black space bug across the floor.

"Is the force really as you say? All around us?" He suddenly asked making me look back at him.

"It's so much more than that. It's everywhere, all the time, and nothing all at once. It's hard to explain." I laughed sheepishly and rubbed my arm," it's...like walking into a room and sensing the temperature I think is the best way to describe it. It's just there without actually knowing why or how it got there in the first place."

【A Stronger Force】DinDjarinxOCWhere stories live. Discover now