Alternative Universe ~(TomLuciSev)~

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⚠️Cussing, hexing, gore, b***d, abuse of power, murder, M.preg, curses/hexes, dirty jokes, Dumbledore bashing, Ginny bashing, if I missed anything then please tell me in the comments.⚠️

●This one-shot was requested by the absolutely fabulously amazing fujoshi2421 !!! Please go follow them!●

~This will also have Drarry in it~

-This is also over 6000 words so brace yourselves-
(Not edited)

(3rd person's pov)

"Albus, you must be out of your mind if you think that is a good idea. Taking the poor child away from the severely unstable father for absolutely no reason. That child is probably the only thing keeping Tom from destroying everything right now." McGonagall stated while following Dumbledore around his office, trying to bring some sense to the situation before he caused chaos.

"This is my decision Marnivera, not yours. So I highly suggest you leave now before I have to oblivate you." Dumbledore said calmly, the twinkle in his eyes still shinning brightly, just showing how truely cruel he is.

"Fine, but when all of this comes to bite you back then I will be the first person to tell you 'I told you so' but you go ahead and ruin app of their lives. I bet Karma will love to pay you an extra long visit." McGonagall stated confidently before striding out of Dumbledore's office and went to check on the children, to make sure they were all in bed by now.

Dumbledore just sighed quietly before going over to his flu power and fireplace, saying Tom's address before arriving at the gates.

"Ahh, Albus what a nice suprise." Peter snickered to himself while Dumbledore looked down at him, the twinkle in his eyes seemed to glow brighter.

"Hello again Peter, how have you been?" Dumbledore asked politely, as a small smile made it's way onto his face.

"Very, very good sir. Ever sense Master has had the baby he has become very, very nice, sir. It's very, very nice for a change." Peter said before pulling out a pice of cheese from his pocket and munching on it while Dumbledore just kept smiling at him.

"Can you let me inside, Peter? So I can meet the baby and say a hello to Tom?" Dumbledore asked sweetly, even though he had been prohibited from entering their mansion sense Tom hated Albus's entire being.

"U-uh, I I don't know sir. You know you aren't al-" Peter cut himself off when he looked Dumbledore in the eyes. It was like his brain had completely shut off and just did exactly what Dumbledore told him to.

He was under mind control.

"Thank you again, my dear boy." Dumbledore called over his sholder before apperating into Tom's bedroom where Tom had just put his son down for a nap.

"How in Murlin's bear did you get in here?" Tom asked while pointing his wand at Dumbledore, who just smiled gently in response.

"I don't want to hurt you Tom, I'm just here for the baby." Dumbledore stated after looking Tom in the eyes, making Tom lower his wand and sit down on a rocking chair.

"Just taking the baby." Tom repeated calmly while Dumbledore smiled and walked over to the bassinet where he gently picked up Harry before apperating out of the house.

Once Dumbledore left, both Peter and Tom fell out of the mind control, Tom immediately started screaming, cussing, and throwing things. Alerting everyone that something horrible had happened, so they all rushed to his son's room.

When they opened the door, Tom's eyes were glowing a dark green, Avada Kedavra green to be exact, making everyone's eyes widden in disbelief and fear.

"Who was guarding the gates?" Tom asked calmly, however when nobody responded he snapped.

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