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"Where is this one from?", Cillian asked, grabbing Astarion by the sleeve of his white shirt.

He pulled back his shoulder, gripped the shirt tighter around him and took two quick steps back.

Just as Cillian was, he followed him. He smiled, but the newcomer seemed to be afraid of everyone and everything. Or was at least sceptical.

"Go away!", he hissed, pushing away the hands that were burying themselves in his white hair.

Horren's hand twitched. You noticed that he was carrying his sword. Calmly, you placed a hand on his. His shoulders relaxed immediately. It made you smile how quickly he gained trust.

Of all of them, the former constable was probably the one who would doubt your leadership the least. Like a loyal dog.

"Take it easy.", you said in a gentle voice and snapped your fingers.

The shadows lifted Cillian off the ground and carried him over your shoulder, where he remained suspended in the air.

Both fascinated and frightened by the strange power, Astarion stared at you. Behind him, the wall bumped against his back. A gasp escaped him.

"Why is he so scared?", Lorelei asked, sounding a little too judgemental for your taste.

"He's shaking like a deer.", Albert caressed his white beard.

His teeth bared, Astarion let out a hiss. Pointed teeth flashed. The others returned the gesture and showed him their teeth.

"Careful, spawn.", warned Horren in his throaty voice. "This is not your house, but your master."

"My master is Cazador!", Astarion growled, but the expression on his face was tinged with doubt and pain. "And I have a name... it's... Astarion."

"My darling.", you opened your hands to calm everyone down.

"Don't call me that!"

Red eyes pierce you.

A hiss went through the crowd in response. It was a silent warning not to do anything stupid. You had always appreciated the care of your spawns. But at this moment it was rather inappropriate.

With a deep sigh, you lowered your eyes.

"Enough.", your voice was not harsh but firm.

You would not tolerate any backtalk. Not now.

Cillian's feet returned to the floor. Smirking, he put his chin on your shoulder from behind.

"He's scared.", he whispered in your ear like a child.

Although Cillian had been immortal for several decades longer than Albert, he still behaved exactly as he had when he was nineteen. Sometimes you joked that he had remained nineteen forever and always would be.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourselves?", you asked the group.

Lorelei crossed his arms in front of his chest, frowned and stuck out her chin.

"Is he going to stay?", he asked, looking up at Horren. "Like him?"

The reluctance was unmistakable in his voice. How strange. It didn't seem like him to behave like that, so jealous.

Your gaze wandered to Astarion. The question seemed to be on his mind as well, the way he was looking at you. The fear had subsided in his eyes but there was still vigilance.

"To be honest, I'm not certain.", you admitted with a shrug. "Cazador needs to repent and as long as he doesn't mend his ways he'll stay."

"How long will that be?", Albert seemed to be making a list in his head of what needed to be done, how the room had to be furnished and where another place at the dining table could be freed up.

Your eyes wandered to Astarion again. He just couldn't stop staring.

Would he ever realise that you weren't the bad guy?

"He's stubborn, vain.", you began, not sure if you were talking about Astarion or his master. "But if he wants something, he can change. It could take a few days, weeks. Maybe decades. We won't know until that time comes. And until then, we'll treat him like one of us. Do you understand, my darlings?"

Two fingers slid under Lorelei's chin and gently forced him to look at you. His mouth twisted sullenly. But he didn't object, instead rolled his eyes and left.

"How petulant.", you chuckled with a grin. "And you?"

Your gaze travelled from one man to the other. Albert just nodded his head politely, of course, because he wasn't a man for brawlers.

Cillian shrugged his shoulders indifferently and Horren kept his gaze fixed on Astarion. A growl stuck in his throat, his hand still resting on the hilt of his sword. Albeit looser.

"As you wish.", it was still strange to look into red instead of blue eyes when he looked at you. "Platinum."

He bowed curtly, as was customary for a constable with discipline, and disappeared. Cillian followed him, still fascinated by the new guy he could bother until he got bored again.

Only Albert stayed behind.

"You want to say something.", it wasn't a question, you knew him too well for that.

Slowly, the old man looked back and forth between Astarion and you. He was calm, not judgmental or sceptical. He was simply observing.

"He's dirty.", Albert remarked, giving Astarion a gentle expression. "The same as always? It would help."

You hummed appreciatively. Whenever things got hectic, you could rely on Albert and his iron mind. Sometimes it felt like an insult to your intellect. But at moments like this, you could have kissed him.

As a precaution, you gave Astarion a quick glance. He was still shaken up, but nowhere near as bad as when you two first arrived. The trembling had stopped and only wonder remained.

"It's all still very new to you, I can understand.", you tried to reassure him.

Clenching his teeth, he suppressed another hiss.

Like a cat, you thought to yourself.

"How do you know how I feel?", how confident he was all of a sudden.

A radical change. But you welcomed anything that helped him.

Albert took a warning step between you and Astarion. You put a hand on his arm.

"Albert.", your eyes never left Astarion. "Be so kind as to prepare everything. It seems to me we need a moment."

"I want-!", Cazador's precious possession suddenly faltered and hesitated, struggling for words.

Curious, you raised an eyebrow and tilted your head.

"What do you want, you asked.

"I... I want... No... I don't... I don't know what I want..."

Astarion x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now