Chapter 15- The Meeting

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A/N: TW! Self-harm, Abuse, Depression, Blood. Reader Discretion is advised.


Draco put on a suit and a mask to hide himself from Lucius.

The Ministry of Magic had decided that the Death Eaters could meet their family once every month. Today was the fateful day. Narcissa was hoping not to meet Lucius, but for whatever reason it may be, she still loved Lucius.

Draco was walking through the garden of the Manor when he saw his mother sitting by the nearby pond.

"Mother, why do you still love him?" Draco asked.

His mother sighed and said, "As much as he treated us poorly, he was good. At least for a while, since you were born..." She smiled sorrowfully but continued. "He was good for the first seven years of your childhood."

"I don't want to know the rest. At least, not now." Draco sighed. He put his hand on Narcissa's shoulder.

"We must leave by 10:00 a.m., and it's 9:00 a.m. So, I better get ready. You can stay here if you wish to," Narcissa said as she got up.

"Sure, Mother," Draco sighed as he stared into the clear water.

He pulled his sleeve up and stared at the deep, bloody scars over his left arm. He grabbed the dagger from his back pocket and brought it over his arm, hovering inches over the cuts.

He stared at the Dark Mark, contemplating where he should cut next.

He brought the dagger over the snake's head, slowly gliding it over his arm, leaving blood beads forming on the cut. But the pain wasn't enough. It was never enough.

He brought it, applying more pressure, the dagger digging deeper into his skin. Blood was trickling constantly now, forming a pool on the grass.

Draco winced but kept on going until it was unbearable. He stopped and moved on to more of his skin, leading to deeper scars and more blood. Tears spilt through his eyes, blurring his vision, but he continued.

At last, he had enough. He cleaned the dagger in the pond and dipped his bloody, scarred arm into it as well. Cold water rushed into the scars, making Draco squeal.

He wiped his face and put on his mask when he saw his mother approaching.

"Are you ready?" Narcissa questioned.

"I guess so," Draco replied. They apparated into the Ministry Room.

The room was large and spacious, with windows on each wall. An array of Ministry guards were stationed. At the centre of the room was none other than Lucius Malfoy.

"Hello, Lucius," Narcissa said as she waved her hand.

Lucius didn't reply and stared at the floor.

"Draco, come forward," Narcissa demanded. However, her voice was soft, as though it was a question.

"Yes, mother..." Draco obeyed and stepped forward. He stared at the man before him, chained by the wizards, staring pathetically at the floor. His long, platinum-blond hair now turned a dusty, dirty blond. He wore a black shirt and grey pants with a silver name tag pinned on his shirt.

"He doesn't have a wand, and this place is magically sealed to protect anyone from the Dark Arts," an Auror said. "We'll leave and give you people the privacy you need. However, if anything happens, call us immediately."

"Thank you, sir," Narcissa thanked the guard as he and his men walked out the door.

"You two are pathetic," Lucius snarled as he met their eyes.

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