Chapter 3- Getting to Know Each Other

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Sneaking out without notice was Harry's speciality. He finally reached the lake and sat by a nearby tree. The warm autumn air, the smell of water and the quiet rustling of the leaves were something that Harry felt comfortable with. He'd been having horrible nightmares, and it gave him time and peace to process everything. He'd also recently broken up with Ginny after she told him that she was lesbian. They were still close friends. They didn't suffer much through the break-up because they weren't in love. He was exhausted from everything he dealt with over the summer.

He was lost in his thoughts before he realised someone was calling him. He quickly looked over to see who it was before seeing Draco Malfoy practically towering over him.

He let out a quick sigh before he said, "Oh, It's you. What do you want?".

Draco was concerned about why Harry looked melancholic before he replied, "Nothing really, just wanted to talk."

Harry was quite understandably surprised. Harry was suspicious but soon decided that a small conversation would be alright.

Draco broke the silence first by saying, "Hey, uhm, just wanted to say thanks for proving me and my mother innocent..."

Harry was grateful for Draco breaking the silence and continued saying it wasn't a problem. They had talked for what felt like hours. Getting to know each other, each other's general likes and dislikes.

They were too tired to go all the way, so they fell asleep, almost in each other's arms, but not actually.

The next day, Harry woke up and found himself on the grass. He looked around, and his jaw dropped after he saw Malfoy. Luckily, it was Saturday morning, about 5:30 a.m.

He quietly woke up Draco, and after 5 minutes of awkward stares, they grabbed the cloak and quietly made their way into the castle. He slept till about 7:00 a.m. until Ron pushed him so hard that he nearly fell off the bed.

"Ron!" Hermione whisper-shouted.
"You nearly hurt Harry!"

Harry got changed, and at about 7:30 a.m., they made their way to the hall. Breakfast wouldn't served until 8, but they just wanted to chit-chat. Harry zoned out multiple times, and Hermione and Ron constantly had to cut him out.

"Harry, is everything okay?" Hermione asked, concerned.

"Huh, yeah? Oh, Uhm, yeah. Everything's okay." Harry quickly replied.

Little did the two know that Harry was thinking about Draco (And other shit but mainly Draco).

Breakfast started, and everyone was seated. Harry looked over to the Slytherin table, hoping to find Draco there, and sure enough, he saw two silver eyes staring right at him. Though both of them blushed, neither looked away.

That was until Hermione shouted, "Harry! Can you even hear us?!"

Harry quickly looked away from Draco, blush fading away.

"Sorry 'Mione," Harry said, a bit embarrassed.

"Honestly, it's only been two weeks here! How are you already so ignorant?!"

Hermione was mad at him, but Harry quickly and sincerely apologised to Hermione.

They were going to Hogsmeade, so they headed to their dorm after breakfast and got ready. Harry hoped he wouldn't see Draco at Hogsmeade but knew he would likely be there.

They headed out with the rest of the Eighth year. Their first stop was Honeydukes, and Ron bought as much as he could get, while Hermione and Harry were a bit more controlled. Ron and Hermione wanted to go alone for a mini date, so Harry left them.

While he was walking, he saw Draco sitting alone on a bench overlooking a cliff. Seeing as almost no one was around, he sat beside Draco and started a conversation.

Harry's POV: -
"Oh, uhm, hey," Draco said.
"So? How are you?"
"I'm good,"
"I bought some candies from Honeydukes. You wanna try them?"
"Oh yeah, sure!" Draco said, face lighting up at the thought of candies.
"So? I have a couple of chocolate frogs."
"Yeah, thanks!"

He looks so cute when he smiles.

Draco's POV: -
Munching on chocolates was one of my favourite things. Lucky for me, Harry knew just what I liked.
"These are so good!!"
"Should we go back to Honeydukes?" Harry asked me.
"No, we would attract way too much attention. I mean, come on! Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy being civil?! Imagine the headlines!"
"Oh well. I can always buy some for you." Harry said, making me smile.
"Wait... Are we friends?" I questioned, being confused.
"I mean, if you want to be, then I don't see why not."
"Then, of course!" I said, pure joy in my eyes.
His Emerald Green eyes.

Midnight Dreams (A Drarry Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora