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Grown ups teaches us not to lie. While they lie like they breathe. Like, its a second nature to them.

Like, my mother, who lied to me for her fairytale, which turned out to be our nightmare.

I stared at her, eating my soup.

She sniffled. "Your father and I got married when I was 17. It was forced and arranged marriage. Your grandparents, grandpa John Ciavarella and Burborn Hart-" Eric snorted, probably at the name, I would too of not wanting to disturb the story. "Made a contact for our marrigae. Surrounded by all these criminals and overprotective and overpossessive father, I was suffocating. It was like I couldn't breathe." She wiped away the few tears that rolled on her cheek.

"Kite was such a caring man, but like all criminals in the under crime world, he was possessive. I was an afterthought to him. He loved work. Work was first to him. He was not the leader, John was at that time. He groped me sometimes while passing. He was sneaky about it. I couldn't tell Kite because it would damage his image and mine. And why would he believe over my words over his father's? And when you and Katrina were born, he was so ecstatic. He was dotting and loving towards you and Katrina. Always." She smiled at the memory.

"But he was always too busy. Too busy for us. But he tried to make time for you girls. I was never a thought. Not even an afterthought." She sighs. "Then I met Vinnie, your fathers right-hand man and head of security. He was really lovely and caring. We started meeting secretly. We started to fall in love..... well, I was. I fell in love with him." She frowned. She shook her head.

Eric poured water and handed it to her. "Thank you." She smiled. She drank the water.

"You know, you didn't come up with a great name." I stated. "You used Mel from Melbourne and joined it with your middle name, Lissa."

She scratched her head and laughed.

"You ran away for him?" I inquired.

She sighed. "Not entirely for that, nor for the fact I got pregnant with Oliver with him while on the estate."


She might've seen the question on my face. She smiled and nodded. "It was a luxurious house. Never mind the wealth. The reason I ran away with you was because your father striked a contract with the most dangerous mafia across the continent. The Bratva. Russians. The Bratva is in New York currently.The Mafia world is never easy. It always catches on."

My throat got dry, and I drank water. "What did the contract say?"

"Kite sold you away to the Bratva to be married to Cole Vincenzo's son, Kaiden." She grunts with anger.

Kaiden? Marriage? "What?"

I couldn't fanthom the thought of my Papa selling me to someone. I frown.

"That's an interesting twist, Melbourne Ciavarella." He clicks his toubgue, "Apologies, Melbourne Hart."

Our heads snap towards the door, a blonde man in a blue suit standing at the door with a smirk.

Mom paled, seeming to see a ghost. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Well, dearest, Melbourne. I'm here to take Rosaline to her home."


"Her home is here, with me." Mom shouted.

"No. It's in New York." The man smirked.

I was so confused about my life. They should stop talking in riddles!

The door opened again, and behold, Jack reed stood there in all 6'2. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jack Reed. QB in Rosaline's college. And son of the woman who dinner few days ago. And the one who brought her to hospital and called him." He folds his arms and states like he is talking about the weather.

"Who are you?" I ask the man.

He grins. "Fen Vincenzo,your future Uncle-in-Law." He then smiles warmly. Let's take you home. Everyone is waiting." His eyes sparkled as he recalled a joke.

"No! She will not!" My mother stood her ground and furiously grunts.

Fan turns his attention towards Mom, and I could sense the tension grow. "Melbourne, there's no time left. Be glad you are found by me instead of by Le Milieu. "

Mom pales at the name, she trembles. "No. No. No! It's not possible -"

"There's not much time to ponder what's possible and what's not." He grunts, "We need to leave or -"

Bang! Bang!

My heart pounded in my chest as the sharp cracks of gunshots echoed through the air. Fear gripped my chest, thoughts racing as I tried to make sense of the chaos unfolding around us.

Fan and Jack pull out guns from under their shirts, and stand near the door. Jack peak through the clear glass on the door. I flinch mkre as I hear screams and shouts of the staff and patients, along with thuds and orders. Jack curses. "They are on this level."

Fan peaks over his shoulder, his eyes meet mine.. "Times up. I don't care if you're willing or not Miss. Ciavarella. Its time to take you away."


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