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"Mrs. Hart-"

"It's Miss. Hart."

"Well. Ma'am, I am happy to inform you that your daughter is alive and healthy as much as a person could be in her condition."

I hear a sigh of relief.

"- But, her brain is delicate, due to which she has temporary amnesia."


"I know, Ma'am, it's an awful news, but as it's temporary, she can remember again. Just be patient with her, and don't pressurize her. Forcing memories on her brain could cause permanent amnesia."

What? Who is that? where am I?

Will you come and get me if I don't like it there?

Always, Rosa. Just say the word, and I won't let you even go.

No. I have to go. I want to silence these voice, and they only go away when I'm with you.

Then stay, stay with me.

What if one day yyou'renot here and I have to deal with the voices on my own?

I will never leave you. And I understand what you are saying. I won't force you. If you want to go for yourself, then go. Don't go for someone else. Do it for yourself first. Be shelfish Rosa. For once. And don't you worry, I'll pick you up once you're ready to come back to me. Okay?

My eyes open widely, a light blinds me , and it hammers my brain. I screech.


"Katherine! Katherine! Calmdown!" A lady orders.

Katherine? Who the heck is Katherine? I don't care. I just need this pain to stop.


Suddenly, the pain reduces, and I'm embraced by delicate arms and hit with a floral scent.

"Shh. Hush now, my little flower. I'm here."

That voice. This embrace. Memories of late night lullabies come forth in my brain, but there are still blur.

"M-Mom?" My voice croaked.

She laughs in relief, "Yes. It's your Mom."

"What- what happened? Why are we in a hospital?-"

"Shh. Hush. We are safe." She runs a hand over my head and brings my head on her chest. "We are safe. We are in Texas currently. I want you to focus on getting better. Worry about nothing else."

"Texas? Why are we in Texas? Didn't we-" I halted. I back away from her, "Why I don't remember anything?"

Mom stares at me anxiously with her brows furrowed. She looks over her shoulder at the nurse. "Would you please give me a moment with my daughter? I have to break the news to her."

The nurse nods. "If anything happens, don't forget to hit the emergency button." The nurse beams at me, " I'm glad to see you awake and well Katherine."

Mom nods and releases a sigh as the nurse leaves. "Mom, what is happening?-"

She grabs my hands and looks at me. "Do you remember your name?"

I squeeze my eyes shut, forcing myself to remember but, "Don't force yourself. Your name is Katherine Hart." I nod.

"We came here to start fresh. Back in New Jersey, we were in danger. On our way, we got in a car crash. We all are okay. But you have temporary amnesia. But we will work together to heal."

"Wait- What? What do you mean we? Who else except you and I"

She halts but smiles. "Your father and your younger brother, silly. Your younger brother's name is Oliver. And he can't wait to hug you again." A tear rolls down her cheek, and she smiles. She kisses my forehead. "I'll bring him."

I nod, confused.

I see a phone on the bedside table. I turned it on and swiped to the camera. My eyes widened at my appearance. I looked like I survived a tornado instead of a car crash. Brown eyes stared back at me, my brown hair was a jungle as my head was wrapped up with a bandage and small cuts were also bandaged up.

I heard soft gigges from outside the room. I put the phone back. The door burst open, and I was attacked by giggles and small arms. "Kat!!!"

"Oof." I was pushed back in bed on my back.

"Careful, Oliver." Mom scolds him.

"It's okay, Mom. My hugs will heal her."

I smile. "Hey, Ollie." As soon as I said that, a few memories come forth.

He beams and turns to Mom. "Mommy! She remembers me! She remembers my nickname!"

I stared at Ollie, my younger brother, and hugged him. He giggles.

I sense a stare at me, I look up to see a blonde man staring. I cock a eyebrow.

Mom turns around and smiles. "This is Vinnie, your father."

Said Father, comes forward and grins. "Happy to see you awake and healthy, dear."

A chill is sent through my body. I get a grip on my composure, I tap my head. "Still have amnesia."

"Alas. Don't worry. It will get better." He kiss my head but I felt repulsed hy it.

Why are you feeling like this? He is your father? Isn't it he? I look up to meet my mother's eyes. She gives me a teary smile, happy. She is happy. I look down at my brother, all excited and in sugar rush.

Why does it feel like, everything is not what it seems?


Mist of Guns and Memories حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن