I: Secret of the Ring

Start from the beginning

You take your seat and Kalego slammed his heavy book on the podium, grabbing everyone in class attention.

"Listen up, little misfits, you'd better not cause trouble. Don't burden anyone. While you're at school you must follow all the rules to the 'T': respect your teachers and strive to do your academic best. You're End-of-Terminus Tests is coming up. Do not forget to prepare."

(End-of-Terminus. I bet it's basically the final exams before heading off for break.)

"Although personally I wouldn't give a serpent tongue if all you dimwits failed." Kalego said in a dark, low threatening tone

(Sounds like a challenge. I accept.)

After homeroom, you went across campus to your next class: Transfiguration.

"For today's magic basic lesson. I need you turn to page 80 in your textbook. And we'll also practice transformation magic."

You look at Professor Momonoki's desk and see a blue frog with red markings inside.

"If you all notice the frog in this bottle, you'll cast a spell on it to change it's color. Let's have a volunteer."

"I'll give it a go if that's alright." You said skipping down the steps to the front of the room. Everyone cheered at you mostly Azz and Clara.

"Very good. The spell I want is Cherusil, are you ready?" Momonoki asked

"Yeah." You hold your hand out to the blue frog and switch the input to Devil mode

"Cherusil!" You shouted

The ring glowed and the once blue frog turned black with purple eyes.

"As you can see, the frog turned charcoal." Momonoki said

You returned to your seat next to Azz and Clara.

"Beautiful work, my beloved! It's not the first but it's certainly not the last you'll impress me." Azz said

"Demi clap-clap." Clara clapped for you

You look at your ring. Getting used of the usage of doing magic. You fit in perfectly.

Normally, (y/n) is a human and can't do magic. But because of Lord Sullivan magic and the Gluttonous Ring of Fidelity, she appears proficient in magic.

You heard a certain demon alarm screeching it's lunch time. You were dismissed from class.

You walk down the hall with Azz and Clara being enthusiastic (as usual).

"Beloved. Would you like to try the A-lunch (Akuma lunch) today or perhaps of your taste the D-lunch (Devil lunch) instead?" Azz questioned

"I mean they both sound good." You said

"Then why choose? I shall get both." Azz said

"I'm going to go to the W-lunch (Waraidake lunch) off we go." Clara shouted before rushing off and Azz not far behind.

You were about to run after them when the ghost of the ring came out. You let out a quick, quiet shriek.

(It's the ghost that snuff away everybody's magic power before. I won't allow it.) You thought

"Why are you out? I'm pretty sure Grandpa fed you enough already! I should probably take you over there for now and get this situated."

"No thanks. I'm not hungry." The ring spoke in a feminine voice

"But I have to-" You stopped at the realization of what just happened

"Did you just speak?" You asked

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