I: Secret of the Ring

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You wake up to your rehearsed, scheduled demon bird alarm clock. You spring up in bed for another great day.

Walking into the dining room to see your demon family. Your adopted Grandpa Sullivan and Opera, your butler. They greeted you with smiles that warm your heart.

Let's recap. I'm not really good at it but I'll try.

("Hi my name is (Y/n) (L/n). I'm adopted granddaughter to my Grandpa and my butler, Opera.

Also, there's a small detail about myself that hasn't come up naturally,

I'm a human.

After my ungrateful bastard of parents sold my soul to Grandpa, I've been put in a situation of uncommon place but I'm enjoying my best life.

They could burn the house as far as I know. Technically, there's never been a human in the demon world and I fear what they would do to me if they found out.

So I'm a human trying to fit in the demon world secretly.

I tried my best not to stand out and make a habit of it but that failed, I'm more popular than ever. Humans can't do magic but thanks to my Ring of Fidelity, I'm able to do magic and fit in more of being a demon. With that being said back to the story.")


You pull out your chair and sat down for your lavish breakfast.

"Oh. Let me feed the ring too." Grandpa tap the ring and filled it with his magic, it clicks in satisfaction

After breakfast, you walk outside to see two familiar faces you'll never get tired of seeing.

Azz and Clara. They're demons who lives here in the Netherworld, your first friends you've made. Azz challenged you to fight after you stole his speech, you defeated him and since then you vowed to never leave your side.

Clara, on the other hand, is a complication. You saved her after she gotten bullied by demon who used her for their personal needs.

You run the front gate and greet your demon friends.
"Morning, Azz. Morning, Clara." You greeted
"Good morning, Beloved."

"I wanna hold (y/n)-kimi's bag." Clara shouted

"No! I'm the one who's gonna hold my beloved bag!" Azz fired back

"It's fine. Let's go." You said

They wrestled back and forth, you step in between your fueding demon friends. Somehow you managed to reach Babyls school.


You past the front gate and everyone greeted you with smiles and some swoon when you past by.

After the morning anthem, you were walking to the misfit classroom when a foul stench filled the air. You look at the source and find trash outside the class door and janitors cleaning it up. You stopped and helped out the janitors and place the abundance of trash in a bin outside the cave entrance.

"(Y/n), such a pleasure, good morning." One of the janitors greeted

"You're such a good demon." The other janitor said

"I can't make this trash heap interfere with the others school work." You said

When you finished, you walk into class followed by Kalego, your homeroom teacher and inevitably your familiar. It was a mishap with the familiar summoning ritual.

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