Chapter 1

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(A/N These chapters (1-11) were written when I was younger, so they are pretty short. :P)

Princess was in a forest, walking, and feeling quite uncomfortable. It was as if something were watching her. She saw two glittering eyes and a hissing sound, and turned to see a snake slithering to her house. She chased after it, and saw it strike the house with a menacing bite. Her home lit on fire, and through it, she saw a cat that looked suspiciously like Firestar, her brother. "Firestar?" she called. Why won't he answer? Is he okay in that fire?

Then he spoke. "The light that shines and the white lion will end the darkness that lies inside." How did it sound so much like the prophecies that her brother used to talk about? Why was this cat talking to her? Was she part of a new prophecy? But why? I'm fine with my housefolk! If they need a cat, ask someone ELSE!!!

But she felt that there was no other cat. She had to go into the forest. Princess walked back to the forest, but woke up to the sound of her food clattering into a bowl. She walked up to the food and stuck her nose in it and ate, but the food didn't taste as fresh or good as it used to. Something flashed in her memory. Walking up to a bowl of food, tasting the bland flavor- seeing a gray tom attacking her. She realized this was her brother's memories before he left!

Will this happen to me?

Princess went out through the cat door and stared out at the trees. When Firestar left, the forest was only forest. Other housefolk had cut down the trees, but then left. The trees had grown back alarmingly fast. Now, there was a humid forest with big leaves that covered the area. She stared into the trees, and, getting a sneaky feeling that something was watching her, went back inside her home. Should I leave? No, I can't!! No way!! I like living here with my housefolk!

She went back to sleep, only to encounter the same dream, except different. She was inside her house, when it burst into flames. Help!, she screamed, but no sound would come out. Then the cat appeared again, but this time came out of the flames. It was a tom, with bright green, all-knowing eyes and a fiery golden pelt. She realized it was Firestar, it really was, but different. No! Firestar can't have died, he just couldn't have!

But then he spoke. As if he read her thoughts, he said, "No, I'm not dead... yet. I am Firestar, the lives that he has already lost, and I have come with a prophecy. The light that shines and white lion will end the darkness that lies inside." Princess knew it meant her, because why else would this dead Firestar be here, but she was furious. It wasn't fair. Why did she have to go??

She surprised herself with her outburst. "I AM FINE WITH MY HOUSEFOLK!!! WHY MUST I GO TO THE FOREST IF I DON'T WANT TO??!!" How had she managed to become angry?! She was usually a peaceful she-cat, but this was different. This was her brother. The mysterious tom only spoke with calmness and certainty when he said "You don't need to go if you don't want to. But I'm warning you, the destroyal of the new cats will mean destroyal for all you kittypets." She still was angry, and walked up to him. "I don't care what you say", she spat, "but I'm NEVER leaving! You can't make me!" But as Firestar faded away, he whispered "I'm not trying to."

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