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Yes I know descriptions are incomplete, will finish soon...


Leader: Cinderstar {Gray colored she-cat}

Deputy: Swiftmoon {Black she-cat with pure white paws}

Medicine Cat: Fernthorn - Apprentice: Breezepaw

Warriors: (Toms and She-cats without kits)

Echoclaw {Cunning dark-brown she-cat with ice blue eyes}

Acornfur - Apprentice: Brindlepaw

Tigercloud {Brown tabby tom}

Owlshine - Apprentice: Bluepaw

Blossomdawn {Beautiful white she-cat}

Whisperpelt - Apprentice: Sparkpaw

Foxpelt {Red-haired tom}

Apprentices: (More than 6 moons old, in training to become warriors)

Brindlepaw {Spotted she-cat}

Sparkpaw {Energetic black-and-white tom}

Bluepaw {Blue-gray she-cat with blue and gray eyes}

Sandpaw {Sand colored tom}

Queens: (She-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Morningpetal (Mother of Owlshine's kits, Seedkit & Mintkit)

Briarpool (Mother of Tigercloud's kits, Birchkit, Hollykit & Moonkit)

Dewdrop (Mother of Foxpelt's kit, Swallowkit)

Elders:(Former warriors and queens, now retired)

Duskpad {Brown tom; oldest elder}

Hawknose {Large white tom; retired early due to failing hearing}

Jayfoot {Dull gold fur and sharp, sky blue eyes}

Mousedawn {Brown she-cat}


Leader: Snowstar - Apprentice: Whitepaw

Deputy: Mothflight {Gray she-cat}

Medicine Cat: Fawnleap - Apprentice: Mistypaw

Warriors: (Toms and She-cats without kits)

Blizzardclaw {White tom}

Lynxfall - Apprentice: Shadepaw

Nettlefang {Gray-white she-cat}

Patchtail {Gray tom missing part of his tail}

Nightfeather - Apprentice: Sweetpaw

Ravenheart - Apprentice: Icepaw

Stonecloud {Dark gray tom}

Charlie {Gray tom with poofy fur and green eyes}

Frostbite {Large pure black tom}

Queens: (She-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Birdsong {Small gray-black she-cat}

Lightfoot {White she-cat}

Elders: (Former warriors and queens, now retired)

Poppydust {Old white she–cat with a dusting of gray}


Leader: Finchstar {Golden tom with amber eyes}

Deputy: Flametail - Apprentice: Graypaw

Medicine Cat: Frecklewish {Gray she-cat}

Warriors: (Toms and She-cats without kits)

Heathernose {Light-gray she-cat with purple eyes}

Kinkheart - Apprentice: Sorrelpaw

Mapleleaf {Tortoise-shell she-cat with green eyes}

Rockfang {Senior gray warrior}

Skyblaze - Apprentice: Smokepaw

Splashfall - Apprentice: Erminepaw

Queens: (She-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Squirrelsong {Brown-and-white she-cat}

Spottedlight {Tortoise-shell with bright blue eyes}

Elders: (Former warriors and queens, now retired)

Suntail {Golden tom}


Leader: Vinestar {Dark gray she-cat}

Deputy: Inkpelt

Medicine Cat: Smallwind

Warriors: (Toms and She-cats without kits)


Quailwing - Apprentice: Berrypaw

Honeymoon - Apprentice: Dapplepaw



Cottontail - Apprentice: Rinkpaw

Windwatcher - Apprentice: Bouncepaw

Queens: (She-cats expecting or nursing kits)


Elders: (Former warriors and queens, now retired)




Leader: Onestar {}

Deputy: Paleleaf {}

Medicine Cat: Peachshine - Apprentice: Cloudpaw

Warriors: (Toms and She-cats without kits)

Sageheart {}

Mudleap {}

Snipfoot - Apprentice: Minkpaw

Brackenfoot {}

Tawnywish {}

Hazeldrop - Apprentice: Littlepaw

Gorsestripe {}

Quickleaf {}

Rosepetal {}

Queens: (She-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Cloverleaf {}

Pebblebranch {}

Elders: (Former warriors and queens, now retired)

Cardinalwing {}

Winterpelt {}

Cats Outside The Clans

Hattie - Rusty's replacement after he left to ThunderClan

Evie - Small tabby she-cat with hazel eyes; Smudge's replacement

Creek & Rush - Sibling Badgers who speak cat; No harm to the second generation of Clans

Princess - a light brown tabby with a distinctive white chest and paws - a kittypet

Smudge - Plump, friendly black-and-white kitten who lives in a house at the edge of the forest

Vocabulary to know:

Two-walkers - Humans

Collar kitties - Cats that are pets

Poisoned Inside: Burning BloodKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat