Chapter 6: An old friend

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Tw: mention of death

—Snows pov—

"I can't believe it's Friday already." I think as I walk up to Kade. "Hey!" I say with a smile.

"Hey snow!!" He replies. "Wanna go camping with me this weekend?"

"I'm happy he picked me to go camping with him" I think as we walk down the hall.

—Alexis pov—

"Charlie?" Is that you? I say as I approach someone that looks like him in the hall.

"Oh hey Alex!" Charlie says in a positive tone

"Is Liam ok? I know he was In the hospital after that but is he ok?" I say, worried.

"He didn't make it." He says now hanging his head down.

I gasp and hug him, "I'm sorry for your loss. Liam was an amazing friend and a great boyfriend to you."

"It's ok." He says as he hugs me. "I know he's relieved of pain. It's probably my fault anyway."

"It's not your fault Charlie. He loved you so much." I say, comforting my friend.

"But I always spent more time with my friends and should've made more time for him." He cries out.

"He's probably happy you're with your friends now." I say, smiling at Charlie.

"You are probably right." He smiles back at me.

—Juno's pov—

"Shit." I mutter, realizing I'm late for school. "I guess I didn't set my alarm." I quickly grab some toast and some lunch after changing, and I ride my bike to school.

"Juno, you're late." My Spanish teacher says, putting his whiteboard marker down. "You should wake up earlier next time or I'll be notifying your parents-"

"My sister." I said sternly. "You'll be notifying her if I'm late again."

"Sorry Juno" my teacher mutters.

"It's fine." I say, getting my stuff out for class and writing notes.

"Juno?" I hear a familiar voice say, sitting next to me.

"Hi Charlie!" I say, excited. "Does this mean Liam's back too?"

"He passed away, Juno." He says.

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss." I say, feeling ashamed for asking and even worse for Charlie.

Alexis pov

"Well I think that's everything!" I say, after giving Charlie the tour.

"Hey Juno! Wanna hang out with Alex and I today?" Charlie says.

"Juno this is Alex, Alexis, this is Juno." He says, feeling proud to have us meet.

"We hangout often now, Charlie." He says.

"Oh really?" Charlie replies, looking at me with a smirk.

"Did you see Kade yet?" I say, smiling at him but ignoring his smirk.

"Omg kades back! He says as he heads off to find him."

Juno chuckles at this "he reminds me of a little kid but still older than us at the same time."

"Yeah." I say, starting to laugh. "Come on!" I say as I grab his hand and run to the library, both of us laughing at the same time.

Once we reach the library, he blurts out "do you want to hang out this weekend?" He seems kind of nervous despite us being friends.

"Sure!" I say smiling back and him as we continue to talk.

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