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It's  currently 4pm

It's almost 1h you didn't even came out your room ..
All the emotion in you , that you kept inside you for 3y ..  all this years you tried to forget all your pain ....

"Y/n , open the door please" Jungkook knock your door ..

You are scared, you broke the rule ,
"Y/n , please open the door" Jungkook keep knock ..
" It's not he gonna beat you or kill you" you talk to yourself "I'm gonna open the door and apologize the first thing" ...
You gather all your strength to open the door...

mindI'msosorry" your head down , you said like train...
"Huh?? What language you are using now? I have no idea , it sounds familiar tho" Jungkook voiced..
You look up as you eyes fell on your husband standing with tray in his hand ..

'oh yes you are hungry'

"Huh?!" You are standing there with confusion.. .
"Can you move , I'm tired of holding this , you took forever to open the damm door"
"Oh" you move out of the way , he enter the room as he place the food on the tiny table in your room....

"Jungkook, I'm sorr-"
"Let's eat first, you didn't even eat anything.. gosh how can live without food for so long" his behaving like nothing happened... His behaving like you and him is friends for years  ...
"Y/n please come, I'm hungry too" Jungkook voiced....

You both start eating, as soon as you put the food inside your mouth ,
You realise how hungry you are ...
But again you can't open your mouth fully you can't eat the sandwich,
You could've eat like you eat normally, but what happened earlier, ' enough  embarrassment for today'

"Here, I'm closing my eyes" Jungkook says while he cover his eyes with him left hand ..
"Huh?" You question him ...
"Mrs Jeon , take a big bite , I'm not looking" Jungkook says still covering his eyes ..
You giggle loudly,
You take a big bite happily
"Mmmmm, it's good" you voiced mouth full of food.  
"Can I open my eyes?" Jungkook asked gently..
"No no , not now" you replied, as your mouth is full with food , you are trying to munch it fast but you are a slow eater ,
Jungkook giggle at your silly behaviour..
"It's soo good" you are talking to who , doesn't matter, the food is good that's all matters..
"Ofc it is , who made this" he sound hella proud .. eyes still covered btw..
"Who?" You replied, as you laughed so loudly...
"Y/n!" Jungkook voiced he remove his hand form his eyes ....
"Jungkook cover your eyes" you hurriedly voiced it ..
"Oh sorry sorry sorry" he apologized in a way that it seems like he just saw you naked ..

You are washing your hand ..
You can feel someone behind you ,
You turn around to face ofc your husband,,
"Y/n can we talk now?"
You nod ..

Both of you now sitting in the couch.. facing eachother..
"Ik Jungkook , I broke the rule I'm so-"
"What rule ?" Jungkook sound clueless, you would've laughed if it's not a serious situation because He himself made the to rules..

"Yeah , you said can't talk about your marriage to random people, but I clearly use are marriage for my personal matter"

Jungkook shake his head,
"Don't worry about this y/n , I don't mind anything" he continue , "that doesn't matter we almost kissed--"

He caught himself and you off guard

He cough a lil "I mean , it's okey, we are married anyways, so I think that first rule was pretty dumb" he voiced out ..
"But" he stop to take a deep breath "who is he ? What happened? Why is he calling you babe ? "Why you were crying?"  He let it out all the questions
You are so overwhelmed with all this
"Jungkook I ,,, actually---"
He realise you are not comfortable with all of this questions.. so he fastly voiced
"It's okay y/n , you don't have to say anything right now"
You felt so relieved "thank you" you whisperd ..
"But y/n , there's a punishment for you , you know you broke the rule" he sound very casual...
You can't help but admire his ability of making the air light in a second
"Huh? What's that" you are really confused
"Nothing much , Ik you kinda don't like me but you have to be my friend" Jungkook sound more than casual, but deep down he is scared, scared that you'll decline his offer

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