meeting the twins

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-Travis Pov-

I'm unpacking with Jacob who seems like a really cool kid so far. These siblings are different but that doesn't have to be a bad thing, everyone is different in one way or another. At first glance, Elena seems more withdrawn while Jacob is talking up a storm.

"Sorry if I talk too much, I'm just excited. You're Travis Kelce, that's so cool" Jacob says, and I grin at him, so he is a football fan. "are you a Chiefs fan?"

"yes. I love football. I wish I could play but I've never been allowed to, so I just like watching it" he seems sad about that, but it's going to change. If he wants to play football, I'll get him everything he needs and set him up with a team. Of course, they will get to do after-school stuff.

"well, we will get you some equipment because there is a team close by you can join. And I even think some kids from your new school play for them which will make it easier to make friends" I really hope they make friends because I know it can be lonely being in school and not having a group of friends around you. I never experienced that myself, but Taylor has told me all about her own experience with bullying and being excluded from everything.

"Really? You mean that?" he lights up like a Christmas tree and I nod "Of course. It's important to have something to do after school."

"do you know what your sister likes to do? gymnastics, swimming, football, dance? Anything?" I ask him and he becomes withdrawn at once, so I backtrack "Don't worry, I'll ask her myself. You don't need to tell me" protective over his sister, I get that. I'm protective over my brother, and I haven't been through what these kids have been through so I get that there is a bond between them that we can't understand.

"mama! Dada!" Maddie yells from downstairs and I stand up "Come on, let's go meet your new sister and brother" I say and offer my hand to help him on his feet from where we were organizing the things, he brought with him. It fucking sucks that everything was packed in a trash bag like they weren't worth anything, something like that will never happen to them again.

Taylor and Elena come out of her bedroom and together all of us head downstairs to the monster screaming for her mama and dada. When she hears us, I hear her toddling little feet pitter-patter coming closer to us.

"hi munchkin" I coo to her as I pick her up right as Avery runs into Taylor's arms. Together we turn to the new additions to the family "This is Maddie and that's Avery. Maddie, Avery. This is your new brother and sister Elena and Jacob" I introduce everyone and Maddie grins and waves her little hand before going all shy and burrowing her head in my hair.

We also introduce them to the nanny Hannah before she leaves to give us some family time. they will get to know Hannah more with time as she is an important part of getting our family to work.

As a whole, we all move into the kitchen for snacks that Taylor put out on the table. It's simply fruit cut up into pieces, string cheese, and a cookie for each of us. "eat this first but it's always an option to get more afterward" she says as we all settle around the table to eat. We don't normally join snack time, but today we want to spend time together all of us.

It's hard to know how much to throw at Elena and Jacob at once because there are things, they need to know but we also don't want to overwhelm them. They just got here, and a lot of information could be a total overload for them.

"They didn't tell us who we were moving in with. But we are living with the best tight end in the history of the NFL that's so cool" Jacob says as he munches on his food. The guy doesn't seem to slow down his talking and I love it. I love that he isn't scared to tell us what's on his mind, because I was worried about that when we decided to adopt. I was worried it was going to be hard to get to know them because they would be so withdrawn. Elena seems to be in that category, but maybe if we get close to her brother she will come out of her shell as well.

"he is really good. I didn't know much about football before I met Travis, but now I'm obsessed" Taylor agrees with him. "but you're Taylor Swift, that's pretty cool too" he adds making us chuckle. "I like to think I'm cool."

At least they already know who we are, that's a good start, but it's also a lot of pressure. It means that they might be aware of the media and such that comes with being our children, and that can be a hard pill to swallow. Especially for Elena who seems to be really shy.

"Does this mean we get to go to football games?" Jacob seems really excited about that and I smile at him "Of course It does, when the season starts back up again in September, I would love to have you all there."

-Taylors Pov-

Jacob is talking up a storm and I'm loving it, he seems really excited about all things football and apparently is a chefs fan. He also seems to know who I am but wasn't too interested in that when he had Travis there to gush over. They get into talking about football and I turn my attention towards Elena while also keeping an eye on the twins eating.

"What kind of things do you like to do? are there any activities you would like to continue with our try?" I ask her and she hesitantly looks around before she looks at me. "I'm not good at sports. So don't worry about me. I'm okay"

"There has to be something you like to do. it doesn't have to be sports, not everyone likes that. I'm not good at sports either" I tell her. I want her to have something fun to do after school, take lessons of some kind or something like that.

"I... I think ballet is pretty. And I like playing the piano" she says ever so softly. "we can get you into ballet classes if you want. And I love playing the piano too, I have some contacts for some piano teachers if you're interested."

There are dance classes for two-year-olds that Maddie and Avery will be starting soon, so maybe I can get Elena in at the same studio as them? I'm sure they have some beginner ballet classes she might enjoy.

"It's okay, you don't need to do that for me. I'm fine. I don't want to be a bother" she blushes, and I smile at her "You're not a bother at all. I'm more than happy to help you get settled in an afterschool activity or two. I can even have the piano teacher come to the house, and I would love to hear you play sometime."

"the twins are taking dance classes soon as well, so it's only fair that you two get to do activities as well" I point out and she blushes again. Something is bugging her, but I don't know what it is. But with time I'm sure I will get to the bottom of whatever it is that's bothering her. It will take time for us all to become a family, but I'm sure we can do it.

"mama Elsa" Maddie says so I turn to my little girl "You want to watch Frozen after your snack? Be a good girl and eat everything and you can watch Elsa after getting cleaned up" even with just eating fruit, cheese, and a cookie the kid manages to get messy with sticky hands and some spills on her. I don't know how she always gets so messy while Avery only gets sticky hands.

"do you like frozen?" I ask Elena and she nods. "I like all the Disney movies.

"so do we. We watch a lot of that around here. and Maddie loves the Disney dolls" I try to engage her in a conversation even though she is nervously holding back. It's still the first day so I have zero expectations we all of a sudden are going to be close, but I'm going to do my best to keep her engaged.

After snack, we move to the living room to watch a movie. It's not a quiet time when you have two two-year-olds running around dancing and a ten-year-old that talks up a storm, but we make it through the movie in one piece.

It's exciting to see how things are going to turn out because the future is open and unsure. This could be a good match, and I hope it is, or it could crash and burn. You never know with these things and that's slightly terrifying if I'm being honest. I don't want to do something that hurts these kids in the long run. They deserve stability and a place to call home, people to call their family. I don't know much about their backstory, we want them to be able to tell us when they are ready, but I do know stability and safety isn't something they are used to like I was growing up. It's going to be a big adjustment, but I think it will be worth it for sure. 

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