too early

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-Taylors Pov-

I'm not feeling good at all. My back has been killing me and now fluids are leaking into my underwear. This can't be labor, right? I'm only 28 weeks for god's sake. "Travis!" I scream from the upstairs bedroom. He Is downstairs getting ready to leave for practice while I have decided to stay in bed today. I was told at the last prenatal appointment to take it easier as my blood pressure had increased more.

There is running up the stairs before Travis bolts into the room "What's wrong?" his eyes are wide and panicked, probably because of my own panicked tone. "I think my water broke" Tears slide down my face, it hurts, and I'm scared.

"what? It's too early" he paces the bedroom before getting on the phone with the hospital. It doesn't take more than him telling them I'm pregnant with twins and fluid leaking for them to tell us to come in right away.

"We are going to the hospital," he says and helps me out of bed. the bed is wet, and both our eyes widen as we see it. "yeah, you need some fresh clothes. Stand there. Don't move" he runs into the closet and picks out an outfit for me before quickly helping me change into it. it's not something fancy, only another pair of tights and a flowy long-sleeved maternity dress I have been loving the design of.

"But you have practiced" I groan out and he furrows his eyebrows before leading me down the stairs. "fuck that. I'll call the coach from the car. I'm going with you. they will understand."


In my opinion, it takes us way too long to go to the hospital and get situated in a labor and delivery room. But according to Travis, it all went quickly. It might just be because I'm In pain, there is pressure in my pelvis, and I've started to get contractions. Now we are just waiting for my OB Dr. Turner to show up, she was called right away while we were on the way here.

The doctor comes into the room already in scrubs and my eyes widen further "Taylor, you're in preterm labor. But the babies are too small to get pushed out. we need to perform emergency surgery to deliver the babies right away."

"what deliver? But it's too early" I whimper, and Travis takes my hand. "I know it's scary, but this is the best thing for you and your babies. Your blood pressure is climbing, and it will become dangerous for all three of you soon if we don't act fast."

From there on everything happens so fast, they move around me like a well-oiled machine that has practiced this down to perfection. Everyone has their tasks and knows what they are doing. As scared as I am at least I feel like they know what they are doing. Even though they are moving fast they have this calmness going on that I try to hold onto. They don't seem to panic yet.

One moment I'm still in the room, then I'm down the hallway before they put me under anesthesia in the OR. Everything turns black.

-Travis Pov-

Holly fuck this is happening. Everything is moving so quickly that it's hard to keep track of what's happening. It pains me that I'm not allowed into the operating room with Taylor, but they said that since it's not the routine planned C-section, we had planned they need to put her fully under anesthesia and therefore I can't be there. So I'm alone in the waiting room pacing and praying for the three most important people in my life to be alright.

Many things can go wrong, but this isn't something to take lightly. The babies are barely 28 weeks gestational, that's very preterm and has big risks along with it. the list of things that can go wrong with all three of them is a mile long, but this needed to be done today. Taylor is at risk for eclampsia, which is the most serious pregnancy complication, and then the babies couldn't stay in anymore. They insisted on coming out and when that happened combined with Taylors' risk there was no stopping this today.

Sitting down I rest my head in my hands. I don't know what I will do if something happens to any one of them. I need them, they are everything to me. I did call my coach and told him I wouldn't be in today, and of course, I was met with full understanding from them. No one would expect me to abandon my children and girlfriend while they are fighting in the hospital. The season is over for us anyway so it's not as critical to be at practice yet. They told me to take care of my family and keep them updated.

There are more people I need to call, like both our parents, but I can't seem to do it. it's not that I don't think they have the right to know, but I seriously don't have the brain capacity to talk to anyone before I know that my little family is okay.

So I sit here for half an hour before the same doctor from earlier comes out and takes off her scrub cap. "they are stable" is the first thing she says as I'm walking on pins and needles waiting for the worst and hoping for the best. "Taylor is taken to an observation room at the maternity ward where she is taken care of. And you have two beautiful babies, 2 pounds each. They are both up in the NICU getting situated. I can take you to Taylor and we will let you know when the babies are stable enough for you to come see them."

I take a deep breath and follow the doctor in silence up to the maternity ward. You can hear crying babies from the other rooms, and it stings knowing that's not one of my babies. Mine are up in the NICU fighting to survive.

Taylor is asleep in bed when I enter the room, but I rush over to her anyway, taking her hand in mine and looking at her empty belly. The belly that has been keeping our little munchkins safe for so long but can't protect them anymore.

"she did well, but her blood pressure spiked even more during surgery. It was the right time to take them out or the consequences for Taylor would have been severe. Her blood tests show low levels of platelets which has grown more serious since the last test done" the doctor explains, I try to take it in but it's a lot. "The nurse is right outside if you need her. And I will be back to check on Taylor in an hour. The doctor from the NICU will come down and talk to you when they are stable."

The doctor leaves and I sit down on the edge of Taylor's bed, her hand in mine as she is hooked up to monitors and IVs. She looks so fragile laying there in that bed, vulnerable. And I can't stop thinking about our little kiddos fighting upstairs, how their life hangs on the line. Premature kids at their age have high risks of complications, it could turn nasty quickly. I don't know what I would do if something happened to one of the people, I love the most in the world.

"Travis" Taylor groans and I give her my full attention "I'm here beautiful, I'm right here."

"babies, where are our babies" She starts to panic but I try to calm her down. It's going to be a long road ahead of us, and I want to help her through it. I can't imagine what it's like for her, waking up with the babies she has been keeping safe forcefully removed from her body. They are detached now, fighting for their life, fighting their own battles because their mommy can't protect them anymore. It's in the doctor's hands now, and that's fucking terrifying.

"the babies are being handled up in the NICU. A doctor will come talk to us when they have stabilized" I try to offer comfort and not let my own horror infect her. I need to be strong for her, for all three of them.

"I need to see them. I need to see my babies now Travis" she whimpers, and I kiss her softly. "you can't yet beautiful. I'm sorry. All we can do now is wait and pray for our little kiddos to fight the fight of their lives."

I hate to not be able to promise her the world, promise her that everything will be alright. But I can't. I can't make promises that I might not get to keep. Promises of a future we don't know how will look. It's out of our hands, we are helpless and need to put our trust in others, and just hope our kiddos are strong enough to fight.

It takes another hour, where Taylor is in constant tears before the NICU doctor comes to greet us in his scrubs and jacket just like the other doctors have. "Miss Swift, Mr. Kelce. I just got down from your kids. Do you have a moment? We need to talk."

hits different - Taylor Swift and Travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now