its her

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-Taylors Pov-

Travis and I haven't talked in two days unless it's been about the kids. Even then it's been minimal. We are in a standoff about his publicist, and I don't know where we go from here. I hate fighting with him, but I can't stand by and watch her put her hands all over him either without any consequences. And it fucking hurts that Travis doesn't see it as a problem at all, he didn't see it like I saw it.

The doorbell rings and I let in Hannah, our new nanny. She was the best option from the interviews, and she was able to start right away which was convenient. She has signed all the papers this morning, including an NDA about what goes on in our house because with the media these days that's necessary.

"good morning misses swift. It's nice to be here" she says with a smile "Just Taylor is fine. and it's good to see you again. Let me introduce you to the troublemakers."

We head into the living room where the kids are in their basinets for a little nap. Well, they are supposed to be napping while Maddie is more interested in eating her feet and hands. Out of the two of them, I'm pretty sure she is going to be the bigger handful when she grows up. Avery is a lot calmer than she is.

"this is Avery, and this is Maddie" I show her both kids before we take a tour of the house, making sure she knows where everything is and where her responsibilities will be with the kids. I obviously haven't had a nanny before, so I asked Blake about how she handles it all. It's not as complicated as I feared, it's almost like having a personal assistant to your kids, that's basically what they are.

"I have a few meetings today, but I'm around. I just want you to get comfortable in the house and around the kids. That's the most important thing, that the kids can sense you're not uncomfortable here. you're free to eat whatever from the kitchen and don't hesitate to ask if there is anything you're wondering about. These kids are my everything, and I hope that you will take this seriously" I tell her.

"Don't worry Taylor, I've got the kids," she says with another smile, and I excuse myself to the office to get some work done.

The Reputation Taylor version is coming out soon, so I have a lot of prep for that to get done. In that is signing a lot of CDs and vinyl's that fill the office. It's going to be a lot of work, and I'm already lagging behind, but I know I can do it. now that I have childcare to free up some time, I can really get to work on this.

-Travis Pov-

The anger has been bubbling in me for the last few days, the fight with Taylor is really getting to me. accusing one of my employees of coming onto me Is serious, and I just can't see it the way she did. Is Pia a bit forward, sure, but I'm having a hard time seeing it the way she is?

"that's a wrap for today ladies, hit the showers and be back tomorrow bright and early" coach calls out after blowing the whistle and we do just that, hit the showers. It's been a long fucking day, but I still have some stuff to do before I can leave. I'm meeting with Pia for some interview questions she wanted to go over. It's not that I'm in a rush to go home to the ice wall between me and Taylor anyway, I hate it when we fight like this.

I quickly finish up in the shower and get dressed before heading up to the media rooms where Pia is waiting. She is wearing high heels today, not like her but whatever. I don't even know why I noticed, my head is a little messy at the moment, and I'm fucking tired after a long practice.

"hi Travis, good to see you. looking good out on the field today" she says and bats her eyelashes at me. am I just seeing things or? No, she isn't flirting, it's Taylor's damn words infiltrating my mind. That's the only explanation. I have never picked up something from Pia, that doesn't change overnight.

hits different - Taylor Swift and Travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now