Those three little words

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-Taylor's pov-

I don't know about going out tonight, but I also know I can't stay at home for the next few months either. There needs to be a balance with how I take care and rest with living my life. That's why we are hitting SNL after dinner at Nobu. It will sort of be our "coming out" as a couple, so it is a big deal in my book.

Now people will know that neither one of us is single anymore, and it will put a spotlight on us. The spotlight is something I'm used to, but Travis hasn't experienced it like this before. I'm terrified that the added attention is going to make him pull away from me and realize that he can't do this after all. That would break me, I don't think I could ever recover from that.

"Beautiful? Are you ready to go" Travis says as he walks into the bathroom where I've been getting ready. I'm wearing a black two-piece that shows a little skin with an oversized jacket. "Damn you look good" he grins as he looks me up and down. "Good enough to eat" he bites his lip and I swat his arm.

"I'm done, let's get out of here," I say and kiss his lips with a quick Peck before moving around him. But he grabs me by the waist and pulls me to his chest.

"Let me know tonight if things get too much for you and we will just leave. I'll fend off any questions. I just want you to be okay" he whispers to me and my heart melts.

"Why do you keep making me fall more in love with you, it's annoying" I grumble before my eyes widen with what I just said. I wasn't ready to say those words, but they slipped out of my mouth.

He has wide eyes too for a moment before he breaks out into a big smile, cups my face, and dives into my mouth. The heat of the kiss takes the pressure off the words I let slip because the passion says it all, he loves me too. Which is fucking terrifying?

When he pulls away, he is still holding my head like I'm his most precious possession "I love you too" he says loud and proud, and I can't stop more tears from flowing.

"You love me? How can you love me when I'm such a mess" I sniffle. There are better options out there, people who could give him peace, but he is stuck with me because of the babies. I've fallen in love with him fast, but how can it be mutual when I feel like I've trapped him?

"Beautiful, listen to me," he says and wipes my cheeks. "I love you because of your big heart, your kindness, and how you're exactly what I never knew I needed in my life. I've been stumbling through relationships, never really getting it right, but it feels like I have with you. Not to quote you or anything, but you're my endgame, Taylor. Babies or no babies, you are everything and anything I could ever wish for."

The tears he wiped come back with a vengeance as I break down into sobs and cling to him. My makeup will need to be fixed after this, and he will need q new shirt, but I can't help my fluctuating emotions.

I know what he means because it's the same for me. No matter how much I thought I loved whoever I was with it was with it was never to this extent. It was never filled with this much passion and clarity. I've stumbled through my fair share of relationships, and I thought Joe was it for me, but I was wrong for all those years. Travis has been out there waiting for me to find him, and I hate that it took so long for us to find one another. We could have had a long time together by now If we weren't mixed up in relationships that didn't work, and we had someplace to meet for the first time.

I can't help but wonder what If Travis was the guy invited to that party back in early 2016 when I first ran into Joe. It could have been Travis's hand wrapped around a whiskey on ice and I could have been spared the mental anguish, insecurity, and loneliness I had to go through. The song endgame could have Been written with another meaning, all the songs about joe could have Been.

But it doesn't help to linger on the "what ifs" because you never know why it happens the way it does. Everything has a meaning behind it, a reason why the flow of time moves the way it does. I believe that some things are unavoidable no matter how hard you try. Things need to happen, even bad things, so you can learn something you need for the future. Maybe I wouldn't have been ready for Travis all those years ago? Maybe it would have crashed and burned because we would have been too young to know what we truly wanted and needed? I don't know and it doesn't matter now that I have him.

"And if it wasn't obvious Travis, I love you too"


A/n will posting like normal again as soon as I can. I have some personal stuff to deal with. That's why this is only 1k words. It's all written on my phone.

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