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☆ 70. Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

Ruby did not buy the most expensive high-end equipment. Under the night sky mode, stars appeared, looming in the dark night.

Add a strong light to make the picture in the live broadcast room clearer.

Ruby adjusted the angle of the light brain and faced the camera, "What about this, can I see it more clearly?"

Cheman: 'Yes! '

Elf: 'Anchor, look at that card quickly! Mira: "

Lulu, look at it quickly. The ticket in your hand seems to be a little different." '

"What's wrong? Wait a minute, let me take a look."

Seeing the comments in the live broadcast room, Ruby immediately lowered her head and looked at the ticket. The card in dark mode was slightly different from that under the light, although the card was still pure black. , but the mark of the silver moonlight flower in the middle is shining brightly.

Suo: 'Don't the tickets say they need to be activated? Suo

: "I just read the announcement. Host, would you like to put your hand on the moonlight flower?" "

Okay, I'll try."

Ruby nodded, holding up the card with her left hand, and gently covering the moonlight flower with her right hand.

The moment she placed her fingers on the silver moonlight flower, the faint light that originally flickered on the petals suddenly became brighter. The fingertips seemed to touch the buds, and Ruby let out a low exclamation. She moved her hand away, and the moonlight flower originally attached to the surface of the card suddenly stood up, growing wildly in an instant.

The moonlight flower is like a new seedling, blooming upward with surging vitality. The silvery moonlight flower, which is made purely of light, grows new branches wildly under the night, growing from a seedling to a giant tree, and gradually transforming into the appearance of an ancient oak tree. Stretching its branches towards the sky and touching the night sky, the branches embrace the stars in the dark night, as if the stars are star flowers blooming on the treetops under the moonlight.

Curleary: 'What is this? so beautiful. '

Aral: 'Can moonflowers grow into elf tree houses? Love it, love it! I will put the two moonflowers at home together. Cheeman

: 'Oh my God, this is so beautiful! '

The silver oak tree is cool and beautiful, and the branches are filled with stars and moons. Seeing this picture, the audience in the live broadcast room almost went crazy.

Ruby held the card in her left hand, raised her head to face the moonlight, and was attracted by the star flowers. She couldn't help but take a step forward, and softly praised: "It's really beautiful." As soon as

she finished her words, it seemed as if the source of her voice was broken. In the dream, the lush branches of the oak tree burst into butterflies. In the dark night, countless silver dream butterflies raised their wings, and the bright stars perished and collapsed together with the moonlight.

"What's going on?"

Ruby stretched out her hand in confusion, but only caught a phantom.

Stars all over the tree fell, branches collapsed, and in the intertwining starlight of light and shadow, all the dream butterflies landed on the card.

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