Ruby looked at the camera, sighed deliberately, picked up another small express box and put it in front of the camera, "Actually, I have one more thing to show today."

After saying that, she placed the side with notes in front of the camera. , showing that the shipping address also came from Ancient Star, but the contents of the box were blocked by her finger.

Cheman: 'It's the same store. Is the host a mecha warrior? My hand speed is amazing, so did I get any good stuff? '

Elf: 'This box looks relatively small. If it were fruit, would it be filled with grapes? Guy: "

I think it's longan."

Mira: "It can't be rambutan, right? " '

Everyone expressed their opinions in the comment area, guessing all the fruits that have been put on the shelf in Raphael's store.

After the jackfruit, pineapple and pineapple were displayed, the number of people in the live broadcast room continued to rise, and now it has reached 700,000.

Ruby waited quietly for their guesses, and at the same time thanked the audience for sending gifts, and then shook her finger, "None of your guesses are correct."

Cheman: 'What could it be? '

Elf: 'I really want to know. '

Dale: 'Ah, I remember, the anchor's name is Ruby! I remember it seemed to have appeared under the comments of a video, and it was a video about late-night snacks. '

"Del is right."

Ruby nodded, holding the box: "I did leave a comment on the midnight snack video, so have you guessed what is in my hand?"

Mira: 'Wait a moment! I've cut the screen to find the video! '

Cheman: 'Me too! '

Elf: 'You are too slow, I have found the video and come back! Are the tickets in the box? ! Ahhhhh! Is it the ticket to the farmhouse? ! '

Alyes: 'Ahhh, I'm back after reading the comments too! Anchor, you actually got tickets to the farmhouse. Isnt that super hard to get? ! Just one hundred tickets! '

Dale: 'The anchor is great. There are only 100 tickets sold. I almost got it, but I was still a second late. '

Elf: 'My hands were going crazy at the time! But I still didn't get a ticket, so I cried. "

So you should grab more limited purchases, or play games to improve your hand speed."

Ruby joked with the audience with a smile, and changed the name of the live broadcast room -

'Live broadcast of farmhouse ticket delivery'

When the name of the live broadcast room was changed, , Ruby also followed Raphael's rough and direct approach to naming, but the effect was obvious.

After Ruby changed her name, the number of people in the live broadcast room instantly increased from 700,000 to 800,000+, which is dozens of times the number of people in Ruby's daily live broadcasts, and it continues to increase.

Cheman: 'It's true! Its really a ticket to the farmhouse. Look at the name of the live broadcast room! "

Live broadcast prompt: Sony threw a deep-water fish and thunder to the anchor Ruby.

Sony: 'I came here when I heard about the live broadcast unboxing tickets. Where are the farmhouse tickets? Let me see quickly!!'

Cassie: 'Ah! I've been waiting for a long time, and finally I saw someone live broadcasting the farmhouse tickets!'

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