"Today, you are going to learn about how to cast spells, known as Charms." Professor Flitwick announced. "We are going to practice Acio! Which is a summoning spell! Try it on your own!"

"Aghh. I can't do it! Accio book! Accio book!" I complained to Ron and Harry.

"Same here." Ron agreed as he played with his wand as he continued shouting.

"Well if you had studied, you would have been able to do it." Hermione scolded us.

"Then you try!" Ron shouted back knowing how this would end.

"Accio book!" Hermione shouted and flicked her wand in a certain way making a book appear.

"Good job! 5 points for Gryffindor!" Professor Flictwick shouted.

"Accio book! Accio book!" I heard Malfoy shout as he banged his wand on the table softly.

"Draco Malfoy not being able to do a simple summoning spell... Thought you were the best at everything." I teased him with a wand pointing in his direction to show where he is to Harry and Ron.

"Shut your filthy mouth before I shut it for you, Granger" He shouted furiously.

"And how are you planning to do that? Tell your father about this?" I mocked him as students around me started to laugh. Malfoy's face looked like it was going to explode like he was about to say something really mean. But then, he calmed down and talked back to me.

"Looks like you are in the same situation. Shouldn't you go running to your sister asking for help like a baby?" He taunted me as he looked back and forth at his friends and me.

"Watch me." I told him as I grabbed my wand tightly and shouted, "Accio Book!" Just then, a book appeared out of nowhere falling right in front of me.

All my friends looked surprised as I succeeded at the summoning spell. I glanced at Malfoy making a proud face waiting for him to say something.

He looked very stunned. He looked like he was about to say something but the bell rang cutting him off.

"Wow Y/n! Didn't know you had natural talent in Charms." Harry complimented me as we grabbed our materials.

"I'm proud of you!" Hermione told me as we all walked out of the classroom.

"And the way you roasted Malfoy? That was awesome!" Ron added on filled with excitement.

After all of my class for today ended, I was in the library searching for books about potions. I really didn't want Malfoy tutoring me. So I came up with a solution. If I started to get good grades, there was no need for Malfoy to tutor me!

I was trying to get a book a little high up, when I was getting a thick book about poisons out, a small book fell on top of my head.

"Ouch!" I shouted quietly as I rubbed my head to make the pain go away.

I pick up the fallen book and put the small book back on the shelf. I sat down on the ground leaning on the shelf as I started to read the book. I read the thick book for hours and hours studying hard. After I finished reading the book, it was starting to get dark.

"I should go back to my dorm..." I talked to myself as I got up and went on my tippy toes to put the book back. But it was harder than when I got the book out of the shelf because the book was thick and heavy.

"Almost...there..." I was about to push the book farther into the shelf, but then I lost balance and tripped, twisting my ankle. I fell down to the ground, looked up and saw the heavy book I was holding was about to fall on my face. I closed my eyes ready for the pain that was about to come but the book didn't hit my face.

I opened my eyes slowly to see what had happened. A hand has caught the book inches away from my face. I lifted my head to see who it was and saw a guy standing there wearing a smile on his face.

"Thank you so much." I thanked him.

"You're welcome." He replied.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked curiously.

"I was also in the library studying and noticed you were struggling to put the book back. So I was coming over to help you, then you fell." He laughed as he explained.

"Anyways, thank you. I'm Y/n Granger." I introduced myself.

"I'm Lorenzo Berkshire. But please call me Enzo." He also introduced himself as I tried to get up. I actually remembered hearing about him from Pansy. But I couldn't remember anything she had said about him.

"Nice to meet you Enzo." I struggled to get up with one leg because I have sprained my left ankle.

"Are you ok? It looks like you sprained your ankle." He asked me as he reached his hand to help me.

"It's fine. Not that serious." I told him as I took his hand to get up.

"Let me help you." Enzo grabbed my hand and put it around his shoulders to support me from walking. "Let's go to my dorm. I have some things to help you heal."

We walked to the slytherin boys dorm. I sat on one of the beds. Enzo excused himself to get something to eat and I was left alone in the common room. 

I played with my thumb as I waited for Enzo. After a while, the door opened and I turned my head expecting Enzo to appear. But instead, a guy walked through the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you Enzo's friend? Enzo brought me here." I replied.

"Well, I don't care. Get out now." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the dorm.

"But-" I was about to say something but he closed the door in my face leaving me left alone in the dark hallway.

"Who even is he and what was his problem?" I complained to myself as I took a step.

"Ouch!" I screamed in pain as I held my left ankle. I had forgotten that I had a sprained ankle.

"How am I supposed to go to my dorm..." I whispered to myself.

I saw a dorm right next to Enzo's dorm.

"I really hate myself for making me do this..." I whispered as I slowly got up with one leg and knocked on the door. I looked down on the ground and waited for the door to open.

The door swung open and I kept looking down as I spoke because of my embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry but can I stay here for the night? My ankle is sprained and a weird guy kicked me out of my friend's dorm and I can't walk to my dorm because it's too far and.."

"Can you stop speaking for one second and look up?" I heard a familiar voice. I lifted my head to see who I was talking to and saw Malfoy leaning against the door frame looking down at me.

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