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As the class ended and I gathered my belongings, I made a mental note to keep my guard up around Jason.

I made my way through the hallway, lost in my thoughts, I suddenly bumped into someone, dropping my books in the process.

"Watch where you're going," I snapped, as I looked up to see who I had bumped into.

To my surprise, it was Jason. He gave me a smirk. So annoying "Maybe you should watch where you're going, princess."

His arrogant tone made me so angry, and without thinking, I lashed out, shoving him against the nearest wall. "You've got a lot of nerve, you know that?"

Jason's eyes widened in surprise, but before he could respond, I started to talk again. "I'm going to give you a count of three again. And if you don't pick up my books, you're going to regret it." I glared at him and started counting.

As Jason's eyes widened in surprise, I could see a flicker of confusion and something else—a hint of fear, perhaps.

But instead of backing down, he stayed in place. His smirk transferred into a defiant glare.

"You don't scare me," he responded as he crossed his arms.

I raised an eyebrow, challenging him. "We'll see about that," I replied collectedly, refusing to back down.

I began counting again. "One..."

Jason's glare intensified, but he remained in his spot.

"Two..." I continued counting. I was not going to give in now.

"Three..." Before I could finish, Jason let out a sigh and bent down to pick up my books unwillingly. I kept glared at him, as he handed them back to me with a frown.

"Happy now?" he muttered, his tone dripping with annoyance.

I simply nodded, satisfied I had won this battle. With a final glare, I turned around and continued on my way, leaving Jason behind with a mixture of frustration and uncertainty.

Later on in the day, I sat in the common room with Pansy, focusing on our homework and chatting.

Suddenly, the common room door opened, and I heard footsteps approaching. I glanced up to see Jason entering the room, I chose to ignore him, determined not to let him ruin my evening.

But Pansy greeted him warmly. "Long time no see. Where have you been?" she asked with a friendly smile.

I couldn't help but look at Pansy with a confused glance. How did she know Jason? And why was she acting so friendly with him?

Pansy noticed my expression and turned to me, gesturing towards Jason. "Y/n, this is Mattheo Riddle," she introduced him.

My heart skipped a beat immediately. So, Jason was actually Mattheo all along... I felt a storm of anger and betrayal wash over me, but I pushed it down, trying to maintain my composure.

Mattheo gave me a sly grin, his eyes filled with amusement as he noticed my reaction. "Nice to officially meet you, Y/n," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Likewise." I clenched my jaw as I spoke, struggling to keep my cool in front of him.

Pansy glanced at us, sensing something was up, but she chose to watch rather than ask.

I could feel Mattheo's gaze on me, his smirk still on his lip. "You know, you're quite feisty for such a little thing," he said, his tone mocking.

"I can handle myself just fine, thank you," I shot back.

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