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I was standing all alone on the 9 3/4 platform, clutching my wand tightly in my hand. My heart was racing with excitement and a bit of nervousness. Today was the day I would start my fourth year at Hogwarts. As the Hogwarts Express loomed in front of me, I took a deep breath and stepped onto the train.

Inside, the train was buzzing with students chatting and laughing. I walked through the narrow aisles, searching for my sister Hermione and Harry. Every now and then, curious eyes followed me, and I couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious. It seemed like everyone was intrigued by my presence.

I walked through the narrow aisles, the soft hum of conversations filling the air. Suddenly, I bumped into a blonde boy. For a second, I looked at his face. He had striking gray eyes, pale skin, and a handsome face. He was really tall just enough for me to tilt my head a little back for me to look at him.

"You watch where you're going, filthy mud blood." The blonde boy muttered. He didn't even take a glance at me before hitting my shoulders and walking past me.

What did he think he was? So rude.

After a while, I finally stumbled upon an open compartment. To my surprise, I found my sister Hermione inside, focusing on a book. Her bushy brown hair was very noticeable, and she looked up with a smile as I entered.

"Y/N! I was wondering when you'd show up," she exclaimed, setting her book aside and giving me a warm hug. It felt so good to finally meet her after 1 year. 

Next to Hermione, I spotted Harry, my best friend. His messy black hair and round glasses were hard to miss. He grinned as he saw me, and we exchanged a quick high-five. It was comforting to know that I wouldn't be alone on this train. When I sat down, I also noticed an unfamiliar face. 

He had fiery red hair– unmistakably a Weasley. It turned out to be Ron, and he greeted me with a friendly smile.

"Well, my name is Y/n. Y/n Granger. Nice to meet you Ron!" I introduced myself as I reached my hand out to shake his hand.

"Oh, are you Hermione's twin? I heard lots about you!" Ron said, also reaching his hand to shake mine.

The compartment was filled with warmth and camaraderie, and the earlier the rude blonde boy came to my mind but I pushed it to the back of my head not trying to think about him.

The train ride suddenly became more enjoyable with friendly faces around me. We laughed, shared snacks, and even played a few rounds of wizard chess. The earlier encounter with the blonde boy was pushed to the back of my mind as I focused on the excitement of the upcoming school year that awaited us at Hogwarts, and maybe some adventures. With friends like Hermione, Harry, and Ron, I felt ready to face whatever challenges that came to us.

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