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The day passed in a blur, thinking about Draco Malfoy and what happened the previous night. I couldn't shake the feeling of confusion.

As the evening approached, I was wandering the hallway of Hogwarts, lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, I heard loud voices and sounds of objects crashing coming from around the corner.

I quickened my pace and turned the corner to find Draco Malfoy and Mattheo in a fight with Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

"What's going on here?" I asked, stepping closer to the group.

Draco turned to face me, his expression dark. "Stay out of this, Y/n," he snapped, his tone harsh and cold.

"Y/n! Don't get closer to him! It's dangerous!" Harry shouted as Hermione and Ron were giving signals to stay out of this.

But I couldn't just stand by and watch as my friends and Draco fight. "I can't just stand by and watch you fight, Harry," I protested, trying to reason with him.

Before I could say another word, Harry, lunged forward and aimed a spell at Draco. It struck Draco's shoulder, causing him to stagger back with pain.

Without hesitation, Draco retaliated with a spell. It hit Harry in the chest, knocking him to the ground with a cry of pain.

"Stop it, Draco! You're hurting them!" I shouted, rushing forward to try and stop him.

Draco's anger consumed him completely. "Stay out of this, Y/n! This is none of your business!" he shouted.

In his rage, Draco didn't see me approaching, and as I reached out to grab his arm, he spun around, accidentally striking me with a curse meant for one of the others.

Pain shot through my body as I stumbled backward, the force of the spell knocking me off my feet. I collapsed to the ground, clutching my side in agony as tears stung my eyes.

As I lay there, wounded and helpless, Draco loomed over me, his expression twisted with anger and hatred. "You should have stayed out of this, Y/n," he spat. "You're just as pathetic and weak as the rest of them."

His words cut through me like a knife, filling me with a pain unlike anything I had ever felt before. I thought I saw something in him yesterday, I guess I was wrong. He's just a selfish cold arrogant brat.

As I lay there, struggling to catch my breath, Hermione rushed to my side. "Y/n, are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

I nodded weakly. "I'll be fine," I managed to speak.

Hermione helped me sit up, her hands gentle as she checked for any signs of serious injury. "We need to get you to the hospital wing," she said firmly.

But before we could move, the sounds of Mattheo, Ron, and Harry fighting filled the air once again. I glanced over to see the chaos unfolding, my heart sinking at the sight of the violence.

I watched as Draco turned away from us, his expression cold and indifferent. "You're both pathetic," he sneered. "I'm done with all of you."

With Hermione's help, I struggled to my feet, determination burning in my eyes. Despite the pain and betrayal, I knew that I couldn't let Draco's actions define me.

As we walked to the hospital wing, I asked Hermione what had happened. "Hermione, why were you guys fighting?"

"Harry and Mattheo bumped into each other and they started fighting. It's really not a big deal but you know Harry and Riddle." Hermione explained.

"But why was Malfoy so angry?" I asked again.

"Harry said insults to Malfoy's family and he got really angry." Hermione answered with a hint of worry on her face. "Are you really ok? You need some rest." She put me down on the hospital wing and left to stop the fight.

I laid in the hospital wing, my anger growing stronger. As soon as I was discharged from the hospital wing, I set my plan into motion.

Finally, the next day, during potions class, the perfect opportunity was here. Malfoy was completely focused in his work, his attention fully focused on his potion. It was the perfect moment to strike.

With a racing heart, I approached his table. Concealing the vial of potion in the palm of my hand, I waited for the opportune moment to act.

And then, with a swift and precise movement, I added a few drops of the specially concocted potion to Malfoy's cauldron, careful not to attract attention.

The potion took effect almost immediately, causing Malfoy's potion to bubble and fizz uncontrollably, emitting a disgusting smell that filled the classroom.

Malfoy's face flushed with embarrassment, his eyes wide with shock and frustration. I couldn't help but smirk as he scrambled to fix his potion desperately.

Professor Snape quickly intervened, berating Malfoy for his incompetence and took 10 points from Slytherin. I turned to look at Malfoy, shooting me a glare with pure hatred.

But I didn't care. In that moment, all that mattered was the sweet taste of revenge. And as I walked out of the classroom I was determined to never let anyone hurt me like that again. From that day forward, Draco Malfoy would know that I was not someone to be played with.

I heard someone calling my name and turned around, as I found Draco Malfoy glaring at me with a mixture of anger and confusion.

"What was that all about, Y/n?" he asked, his voice sharp and accusing.

"You should know, Malfoy. You brought this upon yourself," I replied.

His jaw tightened, his expression darkening even more. "You have some nerve," he spat. "Attacking me like that in front of the whole class. What's your problem?"

"My problem is you, Malfoy," I shot back. "You think you can treat people however you want, but you're not invincible. You hurt me, and now you're going to pay for it."

"Is that so?" he sneered. "Well, you should know that you're nothing but a pathetic little mudblood, who her friends and her sisters hate her. You'll never be anything more than that."

His words cut through me like a knife once more. But I refused to let him see how much his words hurt me.

"At least I'm not a heartless coward like you," I shot back. "You may think you're better than everyone else, Malfoy, but you're not. You're just a spoiled brat with daddy issues who thinks he can get away with anything."

"You'll regret this, Y/n," he said, making his voice low and dangerous. "You've made an enemy out of me, and I won't forget it."

"Of course you won't forget me. People can't get me off their minds easily." I replied.With that, he turned on his heel and stormed off down the hallway, leaving me standing there alone. I watched him disappear into the distance as I lost myself in thoughts. But one thing was clear.

Now, we are truly enemies.

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