Chapter 15

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"We just survived an attempted murder. John Fairfax killed Annabel Ward, and he brought us here to kill us too."

Inspector Barnes sighs as he looks at me.

"And this is the same John Fairfax who your department has been hand in glove with for the last decade."

"Sir, it's true. He strangled her and left her to rot in that chimney."

"Why would I believe a word you say?"

"Because you know me, Barnes. I wouldn't lie about this."

"Sir, she's not lying. We have proof. This entire job was a trap. Ask Ellie. She heard Fairfax confess too."

I can see that his resolve is beginning to crack. He's beginning to believe us. Maybe, not fully but it's a start. The sliver of hope I was previously feeling disappears as Kipps approaches.

"If this is true..."

"Inspector Barnes? Sorry to interrupt, sir. The deputy commissioner has just arrived."

Barnes looks between us and Kipps.

"Get 'em in the van."

"Inspector... Inspector, you have to believe us. Inspector... "

Lucy's pleas fall to deaf ears as were dragged away and Barnes makes his way toward the commissioner. Kipps guides us into the back of a DEPRAC van.

"They're saying you killed Sir John Fairfax. Guess you'll make the papers after all."

"What are you even doing here?"

"I'm Fittes's special liaison. We help keep an eye out for rogue agents. Nice knowing you."

Lockwood kicks the door in anger after it closes. He paces back and forth in the small space. The pain I had previously forgotten throughout that whole ordeal is beginning to return. Worse than it was before.

"I'll go to the papers. I'll ruin them. I'll tell everyone."

I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Lockwood, please sit down. You're making my head hurt."

He abruptly stops his pacing and plops down beside me. He runs his hand over his face in frustration and exhaustion. I grab his hand and squeeze it once. He squeezes back twice, and I can't hold back the tired smile that stretches across my face.

"Guys, get over here."

"I'm not getting up."


George points out the window of the van.

"What's the deputy commissioner doing here at five in the morning?"

"They're taking stuff away. What is going on?"

The van door opens then slams shut a second later. Barnes appears in the little window separating the front of the van from the back.

"Inspector, what the hell is happening?"

Barnes sighs.

"You're not being arrested. Not if you sign these."

Barnes hands the papers to Lockwood. He reads the top page. His face screws up in anger and confusion.

"A non-disclosure agreement. No way."

"Do it. Or you'll be completely unprotected."

"From what? Do you even know what's being covered up? This isn't normal. This is against the rules."

"Sign the papers."

"He's right, Lockwood. We can't afford not to."

Lockwood looks conflicted. He grabs the papers from Barnes and passes one to each of us. We each sign them and hand them back to Lockwood. He passes them back to Barnes.

"First smart thing I've seen you do."

The van's engine roars to life.

"He's got your address, and Kat?"


"Get that head checked out? Your neck is covered in blood."

With that, Barnes disappears. The van door opens then closes again. I touch the back of my head, where I feel the most pain, and sure enough there's fresh blood still on the cut. Lockwood throws himself back down. I take this opportunity to lay my head on his shoulder, feeling the effects of pain and exhaustion.


His voice comes out, barely a whisper. I lift my head off his shoulder to look him in the eye. I furrow my brow in confusion at his apology.

"What? Lockwood, why are you sorry?"

"If I hadn't have brought us here, you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"Let's not forget that I'm the one who persuaded him to give us this job. I think. I'm actually not so sure. He was probably going to hire us all along. Either way, it's not your fault Lockwood."

With that, I place my head back on his shoulder. I close my eyes and let sleep overtake me.

Later that day, we gather at Sam Pandy's memorial and burial. I had quickly washed off all the visible blood before coming, and I just took my hair out of the ponytail it was in to hopefully cover the blood spot on my head. After the service, we're stood off to the side and a woman approaches us. When I turn to fully face her, I see that it's Penelope Fittes.

"Excuse me? Hi. Uh, my name's Penelope Fittes."

"We know who you are."

"And you are Lockwood & Co."

"At your service."

Penelope chuckles lightly.

"You're not here to... see us, are you?"

"It's nice to see you, but no, no. Um, my mother led that first attempt on Combe Carey Hall. She was the only survivor, which I think she always felt awful about because, um... Well, Sam was like a little brother to her. So just thank you for finding him."

We all nod at her, flashing smiles. Her gaze fixes on Lucy.

"You must be Lucy Carlyle."

"You know my name?"


"Do you know my name?"

"Well, yes, of course I do, Mr. Karim. I'm glad to see you're doing well. Wish you were still at my agency. I fired the fool that let you go."

"That's a shame. She was a fool, but she really fitted in there, actually."

She laughs.

"I could see how you might be more comfortable where you are."

Her gaze shifts from George to me. A flash of recognition passes over her face.

"And you. Katherine Archer. You wouldn't be the-"

I widen my eyes, subtly shaking my head at her. She stops what she was saying before looking at me in what seemed like deep thought.

"Oh, sorry. Never mind. I'm thinking of someone else. It doesn't matter, though. Thank you again. Really. Bye."

"Why'd you say that, George? She was nice."

"Guys, this is no time to fight. Penelope Fittes knows who we are!"

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