Chapter 4

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"I literally cannot believe you stole a source from a crime scene. DEPRAC will bury us."

"Excuse me-"

I tune out the rest of George and Lucy's argument, as I nudge Lockwood's arm, gesturing for the locket in his hand that contains Annabel's ring. I examine it closely. Even after my short interaction with her, I feel compelled to know more and to help her. I haven't actually got to properly feel or listen to her yet. Although, I doubt I'll actually get the chance.

"She's dead, Lucy. We can't help a ghost. We need to destroy her source and move one. Let her go."

Lucy looks between George and I, pleading. I shift uncomfortably under her gaze. As much as I want to find out more, I've just started here, and I can't go around publicly disagreeing with the boss.

"Come on, George. Back me up. You love a new experiment. Why throw away the chance to investigate a new phenomenon?"

George gives her a disapproving look.

"Nice try, but psychic connections are weak science."

"That's just because they haven't been investigated yet."

I personally think that was a safe addition to the conversation. Not too defiant, but not blatantly disagreeing with Lucy.

"You felt sorry for her. You heard her death loop, end of story."

"It's not all about what we hear. I could see it in her eyes, her pain, sadness, desperation."

George gives me a look of betrayal.

"Not you, too. Like I said, you both felt sorry for her. There's nothing more there."

"Then prove it."

Lucy and I exclaim at the same time. Lucy continues her desperate attempt to convince George and Lockwood to let us, at least her, do it.

"Before you destroy the ring, let me try to connect with her one last time. See what else I can feel. Let me prove to you that it is real."

Lockwood is quick to step in as he sees George's resolve begin to crack.

"No, way too dangerous."

George looks at him with a smirk.

"It is almost dawn. Her ghost will be much weaker."

Lucy and I exchange a look of hope. I flash a grateful smile toward George before shifting my gaze to Lockwood. I give him my best pleading look, and I see his resolve beginning to crack as well. He finally breaks out of the staring match and shakes his head.

"No. We've only just escaped with our lives. Twice."

"Because we were unprepared. Twice."

I nod in agreement with Lucy.

"This time, we'll do it properly. We need to do this, and if not me, then Lucy at least."

Lockwood takes in a slow deep breath before huffing out in frustration. He pinches the bridge of his nose like a disappointed father. He turns to George.

"What was that you were saying about normal people?"

"Ok, I say we get dressed then meet downstairs in the library."

Everyone nods in agreement and the boys start to make their way out of the room. I call out to George as he reaches the steps.

"Oh, and George?"


"Please, put on some pants."

He waves his hand at me dismissively as the rest of us laugh. The boys disappear onto the second floor, and Lucy and I start getting ready.

It doesn't take long before we're in the library with the boys, who've opened the doors and have cleared space in the sitting room, leaving only a single chair in the center of the room.

Lucy and I previously agreed that she should be the first to try, as she is the one who made the initial connection. George, Lockwood, and I have situated ourselves behind the threshold, watching silently as Lucy spins the ring in her fingers. I can see the nervousness written all over her face.

"You've got this, Luce. We're right here if you need anything."

"Thank you, Katherine."

Lucy sits down in the chair and takes a shaky breath, closing her eyes. She sits there for about five minutes with her brows furrowed. Her eyes open and she slumps down into the chair, almost defeated.

"I can feel her, but I can't make a clear connection."

I sigh.

"You're trying too hard. I think you're so focused on making a connection that you're mentally blocking yourself."

She stands up, giving the ring back to Lockwood. I think for a moment before speaking.

"Would you mind if I gave it a try? Maybe an outsider's perspective is what you need?"

Lucy nods at me.

"Go ahead. I don't care who helps her, as long as she gets the justice she deserves."

Lockwood intervenes.

"No, it's too dangerous. I haven't even seen you really use any of your talents."

"That's because I haven't been given the chance, but trust me, they're there."

Lockwood seems to be thinking very hard about his decision.

"So you'll let Lucy do it, but you won't let Katherine? Very interesting."

"Fine, but if she takes any liberties, we're right here. Okay?"


I go over to the chair and sit down. Lockwood follows, ring in hand. I hold mine out and he gently places it in my palm. My fingers instinctively grab his as he does. I quickly let go, and he looks me in the eyes.

"Be careful."

Lucy crosses her arms and gives Lockwood a pointed look.

"I didn't get a 'be careful.'"

Lockwood laughs.

"That's because I know you won't listen."

"Whatever you say..."

"Moving on, I'm gonna need silence if I'm gonna do this."

Lockwood backs up behind the threshold, and I slowly close my eyes. I take a deep breath. I feel a pulse of energy rush through me. For a moment, all I hear is silence. That is, until a soft crackling breaks through, accompanied by a soft groan.

"It's okay, Annabel. It's safe. My name is Katherine Archer. You don't know me, but I know you."

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